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Author Topic: Ta-152C-3  (Read 18984 times)

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« on: December 16, 2010, 04:13:53 AM »

Disclaimer  8): it's not patch for some existing Ta-152C-3 mod, is's further development of my Ta-152C mod.
This Ta-152C-3 mod may be totally incompatible with existing Ta-152C-3 mods, so use one or another on your own discretion.

If U decided to use this mod, U'll get following features:

- correctly working ammo counters and Askania gyro-gunsight (with rotating wingspan knob), calibrated for Allies wingspan range. Additional wingspan option for B-29 provided.

- wast list of loadout options, including big guns, big bombs on underfuselage rack, homing torpedoes, paraflares, droptanks, X-4 missiles and AI, qualified to use it in guided mode against all air, ground and naval targets. So, IMHO, your Ta-152C-3 AI wingmans will be useful  ;)
Exact loadouts list is as follows:
3x MK 103 +2x MG 151 +Abwurftank (C-3 prototype)

3x MK 103/30 + 2x MG 151/20 (C-3 prototype)
default (MK 103/30 Motorkanone, 80 rounds)
Typ D Abwurftank (Type D droptank)
2x Werfer-Granate 21 (each separately launched)

2x Wfr.Gr.21 + Typ D Abwurftank
2x Ruhrstahl X-4
2x Ruhrstahl X-4 +Typ D Abwurftank
2x AB 250
2x AB 250 + Typ D Abwurftank
AB 500 + 2x AB 250
AB 500
AB 500 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
AB 500 + 2x Christbaums
("Christmas trees" - paraflares)
AB 1000
AB 1000 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
AB 1000 + 2x Christbaums
SB 1000
(loadouts with SB 1000 will appear only if U have some mod with Zorin's weapons installed, FW-190D11/D13 mod, for example)
SB 1000 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
SB 1000 + 2x Christbaums
2x SC 250
2x SC 250 + Typ D Abwurftank
SC 500 + 2x SC 250
SC 500
SC 500 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
SC 500 + 2x Christbaums
SC 1000 Hermann
SC 1000 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
SC 1000 + 2x Christbaums
SC 1800 Satan + 2x Christbaums
SC 1800 Satan
SC 2000

SC 2500 Der Kleine Max (SC 2500 Max loadout is rather a joke, but there is sufficient, though minimal, ground clearance, and AC can takeoff & climb)
SD 500
SD 500 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
SD 500 + 2x Christbaums
3x SD 500
2x SD 500
2x SD 500 + Typ D Abwurftank
PC 1600
PC 1600 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
PC 1600 + 2x Christbaums
PC 1000 Rs Paul
(loadouts with PC 1000 Rs will appear only if U have some mod with Zorin's weapons installed)
PC 1000 Rs +2x Typ D Abwurftanks
PC 1000 Rs + 2x Christbaums
LT.F5b torpedo
LT.F5b + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks

LT.1B4 Pfau torpedo (acoustic-homing version of LT.F5b anti-ship torpedo, slightly slower than standart LT.F5b, but it homing to closest naval surface target [hostile or friendly] from range about half-kilometer. If it misses target, it goes to another run)
LT.1B4 Pfau +2x Typ D Abwurftanks
MG 151/20 Motorkanone
(5x MG 151/20, C-4 prototype)
MG 213/20 Motorkanone
MK 213/30 Motorkanone (MG/MK 213 loadouts will appear, only if U have installed some mod with MK 213 cannon, for example, Me-410 mod by Hunin, Mr.Jolly, VPMedia, Zeppo. Slow, Zorin)

- different FM. Since Ta-152C stock FM unbelievable... bad :-X, I ventured to replace it with Ta-152H-1 FM, just with shortened wings and increased weight. I know, this's not a full value replacement, but Ta-152C turned to be a nice & fast flying plane, IMHO. Now the term "heavy fighter" refers rather to armament.

Link to download: http://www.filefront.com/17653236/Ta-152C-3.rar
new link see reply #16.

Recommended mod for X-4 missiles, allowing AI to make guided launches at ground targets:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/gjbtobpwbxtvr2b/RocketXseries.rar (for v4.09)
http://www.gamefront.com/files/20401464/RocketXseries410_rar (for v4.10)

To install, unpack RAR folder into your game root directory.
Add following line in air.ini file: Ta-152C-3 air.TA_152C3 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
another line in plane_ru.properties file: Ta-152C-3 Ta-152C-3, 1945
and this line in hud_log.properties file: AskaniaWing10 Wingspan Selected: B29
Viel Glück !


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 04:19:41 AM »

more 'twisted' goodness!!  :D
thanks buddy, will try it out!  ;D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)

New Kle Ahr

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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2010, 04:38:55 AM »

Thx man! Looks really good!

But to fly this fighter online (FR) would be nice  :(


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2010, 11:27:58 AM »

As always thank you Twister for the outstanding work!
Now to find a campaign where I can use max! Hahahahaha!


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2010, 01:47:30 PM »

lol, this sc2500 bomb is really big   :D



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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2010, 05:21:14 AM »

great plane had fun with it Thanks


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2010, 01:44:06 PM »

Dear Twister, I see you pointed it to the stock Ta-152H1 fm, so I did the following:

I did a "dedicated" quick FM for this mod. Grabbed Ta-152H-1 fm and replaced the jumo engine by the more powerfull DB603 (the one actually used by Ta-152C3) and pasted wingspan and square values of Ta-152C3 to partially account for shorter wings. Then I put an average of weigth between the two variants as I wasn't sure what would be correct (against my expectation, the bigger Ta-152H has less weigth and less fuel in the fm than the smaller Ta-152C3).

Grab it here http://www.4shared.com/file/1DgzF7bX/TA_152C3TW.html

Would be great. Will try it. THX


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2010, 04:20:53 PM »

If it helps the Ta152C-3 FM already in the buttons was from a project I worked with Sani on about a year and a half ago, it was developed with the help of Dietmar Hermann and others at LEMB and should be fairly historical, as far as the il2 engine allowed. It includes the historical development changes for series production such as the removal of the rear fuselage tank due to CG issues that cropped up during service evaluation of the C-0 preproduction models.

(the Ta152C was proposed with two fuselage tanks and six wing tanks plus a large MW50 tank, but the C-0 had no wing tanks and pilots were asked not to fill the rear fuselage tank, the production versions were to have just the front fuselage tank and one of the wing fuel tanks replaced by a smaller MW50 tank, so range was reduced from initial projections but weight was down and performance was up, range would've been similar to a Dora, it was all calculated in the FM series I made for the Ta152C-0, C-1 and C-3 which should be the ones already in the Buttons).

It also includes the throttle height changes for use of B4 fuel in the production series LA with MW50 (some sources erroneously use the L motor projections for C3 fuel without MW50 which has lower throttle heights).

There was also wing area changes and all other historical data I could get my hands on which altogether affect the handling and performance of the Ta152C, which again should be fairly accurate within the limitations of the game engine.
We didn't have any new models back then for the Ta152C or cockpit so Sani just made new WM and a new slot for the stock model (the C-3 used 4x MG151/15 and a Mk103m).
A Ta152C-5 was proposed to use 3x Mk103 but that gun couldn't be synchronised because of uneven charge burn in its massive cartridges, the type was cancelled.

The reason MG151/15 were used in the C-3 instead of MG151/20 like in the C-1 was because the 15mm has similar ballistics to the Mk103m and so all the rounds would find their way to the same target at all ranges when the guns were all fired together, this is what made it a devastating schlacht fighter.
Unlike using MG151/20 and Mk108 where the problem you have is either your 20mm rounds would hit, or your 30mm rounds were hit, but they'll only both hit at one preset range usually about 400m, so it was only good for aerial combat and that was the ideal kill range (actually the Mk108 was mounted to curve shell trajectory up through the 20mm trajectories at 150m and fall back down through it at 400m so there were two best firing ranges). Even the Mk103 used with MG151/20 had very different ballistics between the guns, only the MG151/15 and Mk103 were very similar, almost identical at most ranges.

If you use lots of guns with different ballistics firing together against ground targets you almost never have all the rounds finding their way to the target unless you spray and walk them, so whilst a C-1 is heavily armed, a C-3 is many times more deadly against ground targets. Just a quick touch of the trigger would unleash its devastating volley with precision at any effective distance.
Plus the added benefit of higher armour penetration for the Mk103, and the fact tungsten rounds were produced for 15mm shells but not 20mm so its penetration was pretty spectacular too.

Four MG213A (20mm) were proposed for the C-1 (replacing all other armament), which would've been pretty mind blowing at many thousands of rounds per minute firing rate combined, the gun wasn't quite in production when the war ended. One could certainly speculate perhaps the Mk213 (30mm) would follow in the C-3 but I haven't seen any documentation for it. Around 3500 rounds per minute of 30mm shells though, that's just scary.


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2010, 05:32:30 PM »

Also further on the Mk103 fitments to Ta152C, paraphrasing from Dietmar Hermann's recent publication, two Ta152C-3 prototypes were planned (V16 and V17) but these were not going to be ready before April-May 1945 (development report on this weapon mounting for the series dated 16Jan45), so two Ta152H-0 (V27 and V28) were used to test the Mk103m motorkanone planned for the Ta152C-3. These were otherwise unchanged from original configuration, with two MG151/20 in the wing roots and the Mk103 fitted to the engine.
No Ta152C-3 prototypes were built, but to reiterate the policy on the C-3 was to be four MG151/15 and the Mk103.

There was a planned C-5 with three Mk103 as mentioned earlier, which then became a Ta152B-5 proposal using the Jumo engine but no prototypes exist among the Ta152 documentation and as also mentioned gun experts such as Tony Williams are adamant the Mk103 is technically impossible to synchronise, and the type was cancelled from series production gear up, which was only performed for H-1, C-1 and C-3 types (152E proposal was also cancelled in favour of that role being absorbed by the C series). One can only assume German developers either discovered the Mk103 liked to shoot off propellers when synchronised, or never tried it.

Paulo Hirth

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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2010, 07:29:23 PM »

 Hello Vanir! Big ty for you great work in first TA-152C FM, long time ago!


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2010, 12:57:48 PM »

THX for useful info, vanir. Very appreciated.

Four MG213A (20mm) were proposed for the C-1 (replacing all other armament), which would've been pretty mind blowing at many thousands of rounds per minute firing rate combined, the gun wasn't quite in production when the war ended. One could certainly speculate perhaps the Mk213 (30mm) would follow in the C-3 but I haven't seen any documentation for it. Around 3500 rounds per minute of 30mm shells though, that's just scary.

I'm very doubtful about possibility of MG213 to be syncronized, as it was a revolver type cannon. How can be installed four of them ?


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2010, 11:12:12 PM »

I've no idea to be honest, it's just a notation among FW documentation of around Nov44 reproduced in the Monogram Close Up series edition on the Ta152.
I don't really know anything about that gun and had to ask Tony Williams about them when the Me410 Mod first came out.
According to the guys at that site though the main things to consider about whether a heavy gun could be synchronised was being electrically fired (not percussion), something about a full bolt travel I think (some mechanisms just won't synchronise), and the size of the powder charge (not too big so as to burn unevenly).

Although it was never synchronised Mr Williams says the Mk108 was actually the ultimate WW2 aerial gun because it was just perfect in all these areas as well being very hard hitting. B-20 I think rates second but mostly for ease of mounting.
I don't know if you could synchronise a revolver cannon, I don't see why not but I don't know much about them mechanically other than being a revolver and a cannon and really really scary if you stand in front of one.

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