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Author Topic: Ta-152C-3  (Read 19113 times)

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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2010, 07:08:32 AM »

Many souces tells that C-3 differs only in MK 103 cannon instead MK 108. Is it common misconception or what ?
What U thinking, vanir ?


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2010, 04:39:11 PM »

I might've confused you mentioning the MG213A, it was just a note in the documents reproduced by Monogram that FW hoped one day they might change the armament of the C-1 from 1x Mk108 and 4xMG151/20 over to 4x MG213A

The C-3 was always going to be just 1x Mk103m and 4x MG151/15 plus bombs/rockets

The C-1 is a zerstörer, the C-3 is a schlachtjägd, but between them they absorbed the roles of the Ta152E recons and Me410 schnellbomber, and always had secondary jabo and jäger roles but Dora-11,12,13,14 and 15 would be doing most of that.
And the whole thing was, during this period of production the Me262 and Gotha jets were supposed to get all sorted and come to the forefront.

The RLM had to know the days of the piston engine warplanes were limited. It's a bit like spending money on an engine rebuild when you know you're buying a new car next year. Already during early 45 the greatest potential for combat successes was the Me262 squadrons like Jv44.


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2010, 12:39:32 PM »

I might've confused you mentioning the MG213A, it was just a note in the documents reproduced by Monogram that FW hoped one day they might change the armament of the C-1 from 1x Mk108 and 4xMG151/20 over to 4x MG213A
No, I was just concerned about MG151/15. I thought, Ta-152 C-series were armed with MG151/20, never knew about MG151/15.
BTW, can U share information U know about C-4 and C-5 ? Would be appreciated.

The RLM had to know the days of the piston engine warplanes were limited. It's a bit like spending money on an engine rebuild when you know you're buying a new car next year. Already during early 45 the greatest potential for combat successes was the Me262 squadrons like Jv44.
IMHO, potential of piston engine AC as battlefield fighters was far from being exhausted. Me262s squadrons has limited ability to follow frontline due to requirements to airfields. I think, RLM was focused on jets because of needs of air defence.
I actually think, piston engine planes could find some use on battlefields even today, but nowadays turbojets became so advanced, that replaced piston engines in all areas in combat aviation.


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2014, 08:04:17 PM »

Bad link, means its dead, Re-upload about the Planes.
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2014, 02:36:58 AM »

see the attached file
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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2014, 03:37:38 PM »


I'm running 4.12.2 Modact 5.30, and when I try to do a scramble-type mission the gears poke out the top of the wing. There was a similar issue with the He-280 (for reference). Is there something I can do, or are my orders "Just don't land it!" ;).



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Re: Ta-152C-3
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2016, 12:37:03 PM »

Well, you can do the same stupid thing as I do and land the Thing on it's roof  ;D But seriously, can someone please patch that?
My life is like a BI-6. When it seems to tilt down, it's in biiiig trouble
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