At the moment I can only prepare the map by creating map_c. Working on the flight
sim is currently not possible because I have problems with my DVD drive. Since my
laptop only has 2 USB slots, I had to buy an USB expansion with 7 slots. The USB
mouse works, the USB WiFi stick works, I can also connect the DVD drive, it also
appears in Windows Exlorer, but it does not recognize the DVD. At first I thought
it was because of the IL-2 DVDs, but the drive doesn't recognize all the other DVDs
either. I will soon test the DVD drive with a colleague. Either a USB slot on the laptop
is defective or the drive has been damaged when moving to the new house and
needs to be replaced.

What I've seen of Marcost's textures gives me the impression that they work very
well with the IL-2 engine. On the one hand, the textures are really very detailed.
On the other hand, the textures are without strongly contrasting colors. This greatly
reduces the pattern effect and does not create this "mushy" effect in the distance,
where strongly contrasting colors blur into each other. The very first cards in IL-2
were all green, which will get boring over time. The art is to prepare the textures
graphically, so that there is no boredom for the eye and that the eye is not clouded
by the unreal-looking, muddy running of the colors into each other.
Something that will work very good with the North Sea map will be the Corvette and Escort pack
made by gio963tto.
Link to the project on SAS>