The Paratrooper error can be eliminated by setting S3TC Texture compression
In root IL-2 folder click on il2setup.exe
on video tab click custom,then set texture compression to S3TC
I see my PC strugling to load the mission... and by the end of loading - it gives some crazy message of "paratroopers missing... etc"
(looks like a classic memory lock)
... and complete game becomes unstable
When I reboot my Windows7 64 - I can normally play other maps.
With my 4G RAM I never had such a problem.
Was it necessary to create such a "hardware hog" map ? Is it possible to create light version of this map ?
Right. I remembered it when i was at work...
And thank you guys for your comments. I have recieved lot's of comments and suggestions specially from Finnish players.
Map of this side is a great challenge. There are some airfields missing. This is not a 1:1 historical ww2 map, but it will give you a hint how big is the area in real. As Agracier wrote, this IS a Light version...IL2 engine is reaching it limits...
making this map was my aim when i started to make maps way back in 2007.
I was lucky that Agracier and other mapmakers have helped me a lot. Agracier has done most of the work for this map. I was mostly a primus motor.
I personally like smaller, but more detailed maps. But this map is my favourite map of all Team International Brigades makings.
When flying over it i feel extremely proud and happy that we now have covered almost every FAF areas of operations.
There is still Lapland missing for FAF/LUftwaffe wars....Yes, Finlad did have a war against Germany in 1944-45.
Zuti has made so many helpfull applications that he deserves a Victorian Cross or Pour Le Merite or Finnish Mannerheim Knight Cross.
Besides. Mr Agracier is one of the best guys to work. We did have so many nice chats about everything from politicts to... ladies (of course<<) and ww2 aviation and modding in general.
I'm missing those. They were the best parts.
Maybe we will make map or 2 together for IL2 1946.. Who knows?
But for us, this map is paractically done... But of course anyone can edit it and make it look even better.
Hope that you guys have as fun to fly on it, as we did when we were making it.
PS. sorry about my english...