While waiting for info..
Corrected final.
You will see there are 3 version alternatives within, but I can say my preferred one is:
Version 2 with slightly greener water and darker WHC scrubs. Actually a mix of WHC and stock jungle forest in 2 layers which make a nice savannah scrub forest.
2nd favourite would be the version 1 with scrubs.
https://www.mediafire.com/?wiaf6ymryqq8u20No matter which scrub version along with the "optional add on to scrubs version", you can open the load.ini and manually edit the scrub forest you like.
Possible options with the scrubs, where // means a deactivated combination of forest structures to archieve the scrub look on the map--for example...:
//Wood0 = forest/summer/Jungle4.tga
//Wood1 = forest/summer/Jungle2.tga
//Wood0 = forest/summer/Jungle2.tga
//Wood1 = forest/summer/Jungle4.tga
//Wood0 = forest/summer/Jungle1.tga
//Wood1 = forest/summer/Jungle4.tga
//Wood0 = ag/Ifni2/whc_wood_light_13.tga
//Wood1 = ag/Ifni2/whc_wood_light_14.tga
Wood0 = ag/Ifni2/whc_wood_light_14.tga
Wood1 = forest/summer/Jungle4.tga
Wood2 = ag/Ifni2/transparent.tga
Wood3 = ag/Ifni2/transparent.tga
Wood4 = ag/Ifni2/transparent.tga
If you do not like my version as activated, you have to play with these above values. More in the readmes, hope all is very clear there!
Shots of latest version...
Compare that one with this video:
I handcrafted the buildings west of the airfield to accomplish that effect. There you also see why I made such a fuzz about brush forest.
You also need the tex and trees by Uufflakke for the mod:
Textureshttps://www.mediafire.com/?4g179g9r1m1r1p6Uufflakke's desert trees
https://www.mediafire.com/?2eoy1sdqm382m7pQuicks renamed to work with this version:
https://www.mediafire.com/?y58mwag520crs0bAlternative textures, I prefer the default, these are for those folks who think my recolourization is too bright or too contrasted:
Credits as usual to agracier, Uufflakke, WHC and anyone I forgot.And me lol.