Something about how work a Track Ir and how much FPS neeed it . ![Wink ;)]( Ubisoft IL2 forums used to have a 13 page thread created in 2007 titled 'Free head tracking' in which the NaturalPoint President (posting under NP_TrackIR) personally responded to webcam head tracking. It no longer exists but the first page can still be found on The Internet Archive, since other topics from around the same time still exist it could have been selectively removed when they started censoring FreeTrack.
"As the main hardware engineer for NaturalPoint, I feel qualified to comment on the difference between TrackIR and a web cam, and that difference is large.
TrackIR is a 120 FPS B&W sensor an FPGA for image processing and a USB bridge chip, along with a custom lens / IR Filter and IR LEDs. The only thing this has in common with a web cam is the USB interface.
Web cams have color sensors, which degrade resolution, especially in the IR region, they have very slow shutter times, so you get a lot of motion blur when trying to track points and they are slow, only 30FPS. Not to mention the lack of built in image processing to find the points to track. If you view the image from a web cam when tracking points, notice the large blurs that result when you move your head with some urgency, these are not points, and will not be tracked with accuracy.
FPS is VERY important. You can not simulate samples by interpolating, especially with human head movement. We have found in our extensive testing that anything
less than 80FPS is noticeable by users as added lag.I have seen stated in some recent forum posts that there is no reason to go faster than 30FPS, and that humans can't tell the difference between 33ms of delay and 8ms (with TrackIR). The eye can tell reaction times very easily, just look at hand movement and the perception of movement of the cursor on the screen. No mice run at 30 FPS.
When evaluating the web cam based software, it is clear that there are filters in the motion and that it is not precise. There are high pass filters to remove head motion, this is not an absolute optical pointing device, like TrackIR.
One good way to test the true optical accuracy of a device is to turn off all filtering. When comparing the resulting motion of web cam based software and TrackIR, the resolution difference is apparent.
TrackIR is not mainly hardware, it is hardware and software working together as a PRODUCT.
Making comparisons to TrackIR, when not even owning one seems irresponsible to me. We have tried the web cam "experiences" and we are glad to see that people are having fun making tracking devices,
but there is a very large difference in the motion quality of TrackIR and a web cam based system, it isn't even close in my personal use. The precision of TrackIR and the detailed, patented math that is Vector and True View are not replicated in web cam based software.
<-----That's true but whit PS3 eye Cam you are running better that whit any other Classic Cam to 30 fps and the comprimise and the results it's more than acceptable if you think that just you "WASTE" 24 $.
It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt! by George Eliot