First, thanks for this amazing mod, it will give me material for dozens of missions once I get it to work.
For the moment I'm experiencing the same problem as McMamba, with only "popping smoke" showing up in my MDS mission. This is using an install of UP 3 RC without anything else.
The mission has a red FAC object set near a red base towards which several blue vehicles are advancing (2 groups of tanks, 2 columns of other vehicles). I never get any report from FAC, but at some point, presumably when the vehicles are in the FAC range, the message "popping smoke" keeps showing up, without any other message and without any smoke visible.
Unfortunately, this isn't the only thing misbehaving. RESCAP objects give me grid coordinates as expected, but when I get very near, I don't get smoke effects or better direction, and when I land next to the object nothing happens, the message giving the grid section stays on and the object too. The same thing happens with SAR, except that sometime I don't even get the grid coordinates displayed (but the SAR object is visible).
I guess there are problems with UP 3 RC and this mod... By the way, I tried a complete reinstall of IL 2 + UP 3 but this didn't change anything (I also allowed the advanced options with 1.2G for IL2 and the 4GB option ticked).
I would be tempted to get rid of my UP 3 install for now just to be able to play with this mod instead. Not sure...