Some background information about this specific Arado Ar 234:
These images show Ar 234 B-2 S/N 140596, delivered February 1945 likely to 9./KG 76, marking F1+HT, issued to Kaltenkirchen, moved to Leck then moved to Sola where it was captured by British forces.
After being captured, it was flown via Grove to Schleswig and should then be transferred to Melsbroek/Belgium for further transfer to Farnborough on 3rd October 1945 but crash landed at Eelde airport in the Netherlands after loosing orientation in a sea fog over the Zuiderzee (IJsselmeer) in the Netherlands. The aircraft was piloted by the german Hautpmann Miersch (since the british forces didn't have enough experienced jet pilots available), who has been escorted by a second Ar 234 piloted by Captain Eric brown, who managed to return his Ar 234 safely to Nordholz airport in northern germany after loosing contact to Hauptmann Miersch.
Read the full story about this incident at regards - Mike