This is my second request/proposal/challenge
I suggest a filling out of the model types of the Ju88A line would be very doable, allowing IL2 to represent this most versatile aircraft from the first days of the war to the last.
We currently have the Ju88A4, the most prolific model, and the Ju88A17 Torp variant of the A4.
I propose adding the Ju88A-1, the Ju88A-5, and the Ju88A-13[Thanks Karabas for this lethal ground pounder - now released].

The first model of the class to see combat was the Ju88A-1 which was built to 69 examples by the end of 1939. The first squadron equipped was I/KG25 which participated in the entire Polish Campaign. Production of the Ju88 started slowly, with only about 1 aircraft per week coming off the line in 1939.
The first squadron to see action on the western front was I/KG 30, in an attack on Britain on Sept 26, 1939.
The aircraft type was acquitting itself well, and in the Norwegian campaign in April 1940, Ju88s of II/KG30 were involved in the sinking of the Destroyer HMS Ghurka, and the damaging of the Battleship HMS Rodney.
The Ju88A-1 was powered by 2 inverted vee liquid cooled Junkers Jumo 211B-1 or G engines, generating 1200 hp at take off.
The aircraft had a range of 2,285 ,miles with a bombload of 1,102 lbs, and a range of 782 miles with the maximum bombload of 5,291 lbs.
Defensive weapons were 3 x MG 15, though the type was upgraded to more effective weapons as time progressed.
The A-1 was equipped with divebrakes.
Ju 88A-1

While a dependable and fully aerobatic aircraft, the A-1 had a shorter wingspan than its later models
(59' 10.75"), and its airframe was not as robust, especially in high speed manoeuvers. (I expect that this would also reduce its climb capability, and enable it to make sharper turns, though the FM gurus will have to duke it out over that).

Combat experience demonstrated that the A-1 was under-armed. Field modifications saw the rear firing dorsal gun replaced by a pair of MG 15s, and a fifth gun added in the lower nose. As more A-5s and A-4s entered service, the A-1s were modified to A-5 standard (wings extended etc).

The next production model was the Ju88A-4, but teething problems with the new Jumo 211F engines (1400 hp at takeoff) slowed its distribution to combat units (later versions had Jumo 211Js). It had an extended wingspan (65' 7.5"), strengthened structural members, and 5 x 7.92mm MGs (one fixed forward, one in the nose, one in the ventral gondola, and 2 in the turret rear). Its maximum payload was 7,936 lbs, 2200 lbs internally.
Ju 88A-5
The Ju88A-5 was a stop-gap model using the new airframe of the A-4, but powered by Jumo 211B, G-1, or H-1 engines (1200 hp at takeoff).The A-5 thus saw service prior to the A-4. This model proved to be very popular with crews.
In addition to other hardware of the Ju88A-4, the A-5 had two additional ETC 250 hardpoints outboard of each engine and divebrake. Later builds (and conceivably field modified versions) had double bulged rear cockpit canopies, improving the rear turret gunners' views and angles of fire.

The Ju88A-13 was a low level attack version of the aircraft built on the airframe of the Ju88A-1 or A-4 (sources disagree which), powered by Jumo 211H engines generating 1,1080 hp. It had the dive brakes and the bomb sight removed, and added armor to the undersides of the engines and crew compartment and fuel tanks. It's bombload was anti-personnel bomblets (Abwirfbehalter) in loads of 250,500 or 1000 bomblets, and /or with up to four underwing mg pods(waffenbehalter) of 7.92 MG81z (zwilling/twin) giving a forward firepower of up to 24 (4x6mgs) x 7.92 mm MGs!!!

"A small number of Ju88A-13s appear to have been in service."

Hope you like these as much as I do...