Jiver: isnt that monitor way too high? I removed the bases from my monitors to mount them lower, and I would like them another couple of inches lower.
Besides: big screens look good but widescreens actually reduce the field of vision (in the vertical). The only way to actually enhance visibility is to use multiple monitors with SaveAspect=1 and Use3Renders=1 (like ehm... that guy with the redneck cockpit).
I'm considering the idea of one huge widescreen with 2 smaller ones on the sides, rotated 90 degree, kinda like this:
but that would create some problems with the Use3Renders thing, because the lines between the renders would be visible in the middle monitor. The second best option would be 3 big screens the tallest and less wide possible, run il-2 in a window and move it to the center before each game (PITA but awesome view). This solution would leave some place at the sides, so one could still see TS etc. The bad news: the lines between the renders would still be visible in the central monitor, this system would be physically difficult to set up (where do you place 3 big screens?!?) and expensive too. Well into the several-thousands. (BTW, why the hell no one makes any 4:3 bigger than 19''?!?)
The best solution would probably be 3x projectors... but besides the space that it would take, I dont even want to know how much that would cost.