Greetings All,
To paraphrase Toad of Toad Hall :
"There is nothing in the world as marvellous as messing around in boats"
....unless it is strafing, bombing and rocketing them...
To all IL2 shipbuilders :
Archie1971, Asheshouse, SAS~Skipper, SAS~Sani, Flakiten, Western0221
As you all know well, all Mission Builders and Campaign Designers love "generic" objects to use in their designs ; they offer a variety of design possibilities that extend beyond the relativity of their numbers. What follows are a few ship types that I feel would be of great value in this regard, and remain as far as I know, unbuilt for IL2. With some of them comes the possibility/problems of coding developments as well, but I prefer to suggest these in their simplest forms. I also hope that this thread could nurture some intelligent discussion - not just a collection of lists - of other vessels that might spark the interest of one of our very talented shipbuilders.
First a couple of ubiquitous naval vessels :
From the generic Whaler design - useful in its own right, into...

a)The Vorpostenboot : vessels of various sizes and configurations armed with light and medium cannon and profligate AAA as coastal patrol, escort and harbour defence ships
Used wherever the Kriegsmarine could commandeer commercial vessels...
Possible coding challenge to create anti-aircraft rockets dragging cables into the air

b)Flower Class Corvette dogged protectors of the North Atlantic and Arctic Convoys

Near to my heart, here in Halifax...HMCS Sackville, the last of her kind

HMCS Algoma

For harbour defence and inland patrol
Hafenschutzboot (Harbour Gunboats)
2 x MG34

1 x 20mm, 2 x MG34

The Siebel Ferry

Designed initially to answer the need for small vessels to transfer troops and equipment across the English Channel, and named for the developer of the ultimate design development, Luftwaffe Oberst Fritz Siebel, the Siebel Fahren became an entire division of the Luftwaffe (Fahre Sonderkommando), and served on every German front where heavy pontoons and surplus aircraft engines could be shipped by sea, road or rail. They served in Norway, the English Channel, the Baltic Coast, Lake Ladoga, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.
Powered by surplus aircraft engines, and built in a catamaran structure welding (wooden covered) steel platforms between heavy bridging pontoons (schwere schiffsbrugge), or structurally joined MarineFahreprahm (MFP) hulls, the Siebelfahren were used as transport, escorts and gunnery platforms. Their shallow draft enabled them to operate in coastal and inland waters in depths that precluded passage to other vessel types, and caused allied torpedos to pass harmlessly underneath them without detonating.
Their purest form was a freight/cargo (infanterie-transporter) carrier armed with as few as 4 x MG34/42 with a cargo capacity of 7 tonnes and 40 troops, while the most heavily armed Kampffahre could carry 60-80 tonnes and were armed with up to 4 x 88 FlaK guns (though its usual armament was 1 x 88mm FlaK and 2 x Lichte (20 or 37mm) FlaK).

Speed was from 13-15 km per hour depending on type.
Somewhere around 300 were built.
Some Generics
Tugboats - handy eyecandy in any marine environment
Could they be coded to push/pull other vessels?

Foundation Franklin, the subject of Farley Mowat's great book "Grey Seas Under"


Coastal Ferry
This one is not far off a couple of SAS~Skipper's designs

Fishing Smack - Useful as Sub net tenders, fishing smacks, or with MGs and Radio mast added as spyships

River Ferry

(1939) Cable Ferry

Pacific Coastal Barge as per the one in CFS2 - fun to strafe

European River Barge for those campaigns along the Channel

Horse Drawn ???

Lifeboat could this be part of the damage model of large bombers downed over water, or ships sunk?

from Englands Norwich Coast


Preferably with sailors hanging off it

Naval Tender/Pinnace/Launch

Barrage Balloon Ship

The last generic vessel suggestion I have is to add Stationary Objects 562, 563 as Ship Objects, and under the properties menu add various payloads :
cargo, debris, cablelayer, naval mines, soldiers, a small crane, AA Gun(s), single naval aircraft with wings folded, ordnance (bombs and torps), lumber, etc etc.
I hope this thread stimulates other ideas, and our shipping gurus to come up with more great ship designs.
And remember, just because they don't sport 15" guns, it doesn't mean they aren't fun to sink!
So Long and Thanks for all the boats,