DITTO!! They had also just built the Boise and St. Louise class lt cruisers, with different armament for the time periods if i remember correctly. They were incredible. having just the basic ships is really needed for a level of accuracy approaching realism. I know they can't build them all, but the single. But the CFS2 was just so blasted unstable and poorly designed program wise that i had to give up on it. My "87 Days of Cactus" cmpn was a year of steady work, was well liked by all who could get it to work, but so few could get it (or other cmpns) to work correctly. Driving miss Daisy syndrome caused flights of Betties to taxi across the ground to their target etc. I dove into IL-2 the day it was on the shelf and never looked back.
But these two IJN CVs are fascinating subjects. Never saw the AA rocket before, and thought I knew all their AA Weapons. THose two ships were about the size of a Midway class CV. They just didn't have an air-wing to put aboard. I think Taiho got nailed by a US sub that waited for it outside Tokyo bay.
This guy made some dioramas with some interesting JP carriers, including the TAIHO, including one of the above. Gives an interesting perspective.
An alternate history scenario could use those, if they just had trained pilots. They had the planes, but few to fly them. I also wonder if it's possible to spot the deck a bit more realistically w/o the props touching the tails of the AC in front of you.
And please don't make all that AA operational, as they will be unapproachable even on rookie. I recommend that Ships covered in AA like that should only have a third at most of those weapons actually function. They will still be lethal.

And PLEASE, if any modders do these ships (or any others), use textures that make them usable.