Now we will show how to determine parking spots for the aircraft.
This stage may seem somewhat confusing because by necessity we
must do several different things at the same time. We will need to layout
the taxiways, clear any obstacles from the paths of the aircraft and choose
parking spots that seem realistic within the airfield texture. Concurrently
we will be expanding the test mission, one flight at a time, until we reach
the maximum launch capacity of our airfield. To make this happen we
will have to load and exit the game an unbelievable number of times,
switching between Unlocked Full Mission Builder and Full Mission
Builder, changing the map and then testing the changes. This is when a
PC with fast IL-2 load times will be an enormous advantage. While we are
making the test mission we will have to keep a very close eye on the spacing
of the different flights, (air traffic control), as they approach the airfield.
It is by no means unusual to have over thirty aircraft in the air at the
same time. Adequate spacing must be maintained while trying to land the
aircraft in a reasonable amount of time. A tricky balancing act sometimes.
The first thing we want to do is to clear away any taxi or stay points remaining
on the airfield. Be very careful that you have clicked on what you intend to.
Keep the drop-down menu open to provide confirmation.
Be very careful not to disturb the runways.
All that should remain are the two runways that we created.
Now begin adding taxi points from the terminal end of each runway following
the longest possible path you may think you will need.
Remember that the test mission we started earlier has 2 flights of 4 aircraft each,
one flight on each runway, that we need to find parking places for. Place 4 stay
points per runway along each taxiway. Place one stay point right off the end of
each runway just to confirm runway function. Place another stay point at the very
end of each taxiway to confirm that the path is clear. Place the remaining 2 points
in any plausible locations.