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Author Topic: NACHTJAGD MISSION GENERATOR v2.01  (Read 8829 times)

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« on: March 01, 2011, 05:00:05 AM »


IMPORTANT BUGFIX: Double check this. Otherwise NJMG will not produce correct mis files. In open office, go to Tools, Options, Language Settings, Locale setting and change it to English. Then, just below it, check Decimal Separator Key 'Same as locale setting' is on, and double checkit shows a . (dot) and not , (comma) in brackets.


NJMG is a nightfighting mission generator for Il-2 1946. Building missions in the FMB kills the surprise factor. Now you can create custom missions without knowing what's going to happen next. NJMG's aim is to recreate the uncertainty and information war that was characteristic for WW2 nightfighting. It is pseudo-historic and semi random. Meaning: Missions are created on a random basis, but with enough built-in interdependency to be coherent and believable. Missions try to mimic historic tactics, procedures and circumstance as closely as practical, but they can in no way be authentic. NJMG aims at plausibility and immersion instead.

In version 2 you take on the role as group commander of I/NJG 1 based at Venlo airfield and are responsible for a group of up to 13 nightfighters. You have will be
confronted with a situation report and have to issue orders to your group accordingly before you begin your mission.

You will experience bomber streams splitting, uniting, reuniting and performing diversion attacks; Mosquito nightfighters covering heavy bombers while others hunt for Luftwaffe nightfighters, catching them at their radio beacons or lurking in the vicinity of their home bases to ambush when they're coming home low and slow. You will encounter large bomber formations, heavy flak that fires relentlessly at everything that moves - even their own nightfighters - and you will get your fair share of 'Moskito Panik'.


- Create dozens of pseudo-historic, randomized, but believable nightfighter missions in just a few clicks.
- Unique time, date and weather for every mission.
- Venlo airfield with full runway lighting, according to wind direction.
- Uses the new v4.10 navigation and environment features.
- Multiple bomber streams, different targets, diversion attacks, smoke and mirrors...
- NF Mosquitos on escort and night intruder missions.
- Flak and searchlight bastions in the target areas. They will attack anything that flies overhead, friend or foe.
- Ground radar stations can get blinded by massive RAF Window/Dueppel coutermeasures.
- Autogenerated mission briefing and metereological report.
- Based on CY6_ash_BoF_Ruhr map with historically correct radio beacons, 'optical beacons', flak and searchlight zones.


- Issue orders to a whole group of nightfighters. Assign loiter beacons and altitudes.
- Completely new graphical user interface with strategic 'radar map' and drop-down menues.
- Selectively remove individual date, time and weather settings from the randomizer and use custom values instead.
- Experience fuel shortages and planes grounded due to damage or maintainance.
- Radar equipment auto-config option lets NJMG automatically select radar devices and countermeasures for you, historically accurate according to mission date.
- Bigger, better bomber streams. No more midair collisions during airspawn.
- Bomber streams can now consist of a mix of two different aircraft types.
- Seperate loadout option for master bombers.
- Configure every single aircraft in your group individually. You could have a mixed group of 110s, 88s and 219s (pretty much what I/NJG 1 was).
- RAF bombers turning on their H2S only sporadically as the war progresses, thus hiding from Naxos most of the time.


- OpenOffice Calc 3.3
- Il-2 1946 v4.10
- You need to have CY6's excellent CY6_Command_and_Control Mod v1.10 and CY6's & ashehouse's CY6_ash_BoF_Ruhr map installed for both
  the missions to load correctly and to fully enjoy the nightfighting experience.
- Also you need an updated actors.static for the Ruhr map. It was included in your Nachtjagd Mission Generator download.
- Halifax B Mk.III by Ranwers & Chaarlie Chap is strongly recommended, but you could of course reconfigure
  the bomber force to any other plane.




- Version two has a completely new, easy to use graphical user interface. Just go to the Quickstart Guide tab and follow it step by step.


- Weather conditions are created on a random basis. Thunderstorms only occur between April and September, and if clouds are low, weather
  conditions are automatically set to 'blind'.

Venlo Airfield (your homebase):
- Active runway is determined according to wind direction. Full runway lighting and approach lights are always only available for the
  active runway. Everything else will stay dark. Same goes for the Lorenz beacons.
- RAF bombers and nightfighters are air-spawned just before landfall, but all of them have waypoints back to their bases, and       
  will land there. So you can try 'Verfolgungsnachtjagd', chase the bomber stream all the way back to England and catch them
  on approach - if you fuel situation allows you to.

Friendly AI:
- Manage I/NJG 1. Configure your group's aircraft and assign them radio beacons and altitudes to loiter at. This requires you to 'read' enemy
  intentions and a fair share of gambling.

Radar guidance:
- Radar guidance is through CY6's brilliant Command and Coontrol Mod. There are five ground control radars spread over the map, of which up to three
  can be blinded by chaff corridors and will thus be unavailable to assist the player.
- NJMG v2.0 makes full use the latest Command and Control mod objects. You will see runnig commentary GCI, tailwarning radar, gunners spotting enemy
  NFs and more. NJMG is modelled to represent Zahme Sau (Tame Boar) procedures and its radar configuration is set up accordingly.
- A new late war FuG 350 Naxos unit is included in the download (thanks to CY6 for allowing me to include this small modification of his mod).
  It represents RAF bombers turning on their H2S just briefly every once in a while, denying continous tracking with Naxos. You will get a bearing
  only every 1 to 10 minutes. This combined with the new running commentary GCI turns finding the bomberstream into a real challenge.

Friendly AAA and searchlights:
- Friendly AAA is not always friendly. Actually your own flak and searchlights will frequently attack you. Those AAA units closer
  to your homebase are better trained in terms of aircraft recognition and also quite used to Luftwaffe nightfighters. They will       
  not shoot at you. There are heavy flak concentrations in the Ruhr and Cologne areas which you should avoid though.

Mission Briefing:
- No more intel reports. You have to draw your own conclusions from the radar map.
- Mission reports contain a summary of radar echos with altitude and groundspeed plus an overview of the beacons and altitudes you assigned to the
  planes of your group.

RAF Bombers:
- Usually there is a main force and a diversion attack. It could well be though that two streams unite and hit the same target. Or vice versa.
- The main force is composed of up to 52 aircraft. Diversion force is considerably smaller to both save FPS and create a moment of frustration
  for the player when chasing the wrong force.

RAF Nightfighters:
- Mosquito Mahmoud and Flower patrols are modelled. From www.gyges.dk:
  "A number of allied fighters would be sent to orbit the beacons most likely to be used for marshalling Zahme Sau fighters
  constituting a most "annoying" welcome committee." and "Allied fighters (Intruders) would attack German night fighter air
  fields thus disrupting operation, and they would patrol in the vicinity of the air fields in an attempt to engage aircraft
  taking off or landing." So be prepared.
- In rare cases, fromations of Mossie NFs will try to mimic a bomber stream and lure you into a trap.

A few more things you might want to know:
- Remember, your first objective as group commander is not to shoot down as many bombers as you can. It's your job to find the
  stream and call in the rest of your group. Once you managed to get them close or into the bomber stream you can focus
  on your own hunting.
- NJMG does not create missions after August 1944, as I/NJG moved out of Venlo on Sep 9th 44. It will also not create
  missions before September 1943, shortly after the introduction of Zahme Sau (Tame boar). The latter is arbitrary.
  Both limitations can be overridden by the user by selecting a specific year/date from the Custom Conditions menue.
- Fuel availablity decreases as the war progresses. You will have less fuel available on average in 1944 than in 1943.
- For the statistics enthusiasts: Taking into account every variable, NJMG can create hundreds of thousands of different missions!
  If you just consider the more important ones that really make difference, there are still 169 different combinations of targets, routing and
  diversion attacks on the bomber command side alone. This is not even taking into account the surprises that RAF nightfighters will have for you.
  No matter what, NJMG should keep you busy for while ;)

Thanks for using NJMG v2.0.

A huge thank you goes to CY6 for fulfilling many requests regarding Command_and_Control v1.10. His mod makes these night missions possible.

If you want to use an NJMG specific navigation map with your CY6_ash_BoF_Ruhr map you can download it here:


- Version two has a completely new, easy to use graphical user interface. Just go to the Quickstart Guide tab and follow it step by step.


- Weather conditions are created on a random basis. Thunderstorms only occur between April and September, and if clouds are low, weather
  conditions are automatically set to 'blind'.

Venlo Airfield (your homebase):
- Active runway is determined according to wind direction. Full runway lighting and approach lights are always only available for the
  active runway. Everything else will stay dark. Same goes for the Lorenz beacons.
- RAF bombers and nightfighters are air-spawned just before landfall, but all of them have waypoints back to their bases, and       
  will land there. So you can try 'Verfolgungsnachtjagd', chase the bomber stream all the way back to England and catch them
  on approach - if you fuel situation allows you to.

Friendly AI:
- Manage I/NJG 1. Configure your group's aircraft and assign them radio beacons and altitudes to loiter at. This requires you to 'read' enemy
  intentions and a fair share of gambling.

Radar guidance:
- Radar guidance is through CY6's brilliant Command and Coontrol Mod. There are five ground control radars spread over the map, of which up to three
  can be blinded by chaff corridors and will thus be unavailable to assist the player.
- NJMG v2.0 makes full use the latest Command and Control mod objects. You will see runnig commentary GCI, tailwarning radar, gunners spotting enemy
  NFs and more. NJMG is modelled to represent Zahme Sau (Tame Boar) procedures and its radar configuration is set up accordingly.
- A new late war FuG 350 Naxos unit is included in the download (thanks to CY6 for allowing me to include this small modification of his mod).
  It represents RAF bombers turning on their H2S just briefly every once in a while, denying continous tracking with Naxos. You will get a bearing
  only every 1 to 10 minutes. This combined with the new running commentary GCI turns finding the bomberstream into a real challenge.

Friendly AAA and searchlights:
- Friendly AAA is not always friendly. Actually your own flak and searchlights will frequently attack you. Those AAA units closer
  to your homebase are better trained in terms of aircraft recognition and also quite used to Luftwaffe nightfighters. They will       
  not shoot at you. There are heavy flak concentrations in the Ruhr and Cologne areas which you should avoid though.

Mission Briefing:
- No more intel reports. You have to draw your own conclusions from the radar map.
- Mission reports contain a summary of radar echos with altitude and groundspeed plus an overview of the beacons and altitudes you assigned to the
  planes of your group.

RAF Bombers:
- Usually there is a main force and a diversion attack. It could well be though that two streams unite and hit the same target. Or vice versa.
- The main force is composed of up to 52 aircraft. Diversion force is considerably smaller to both save FPS and create a moment of frustration
  for the player when chasing the wrong force.

RAF Nightfighters:
- Mosquito Mahmoud and Flower patrols are modelled. From www.gyges.dk:
  "A number of allied fighters would be sent to orbit the beacons most likely to be used for marshalling Zahme Sau fighters
  constituting a most "annoying" welcome committee." and "Allied fighters (Intruders) would attack German night fighter air
  fields thus disrupting operation, and they would patrol in the vicinity of the air fields in an attempt to engage aircraft
  taking off or landing." So be prepared.
- In rare cases, fromations of Mossie NFs will try to mimic a bomber stream and lure you into a trap.

A few more things you might want to know:
- Remember, your first objective as group commander is not to shoot down as many bombers as you can. It's your job to find the
  stream and call in the rest of your group. Once you managed to get them close or into the bomber stream you can focus
  on your own hunting.
- NJMG does not create missions after August 1944, as I/NJG moved out of Venlo on Sep 9th 44. It will also not create
  missions before September 1943, shortly after the introduction of Zahme Sau (Tame boar). The latter is arbitrary.
  Both limitations can be overridden by the user by selecting a specific year/date from the Custom Conditions menue.
- Fuel availablity decreases as the war progresses. You will have less fuel available on average in 1944 than in 1943.
- For the statistics enthusiasts: Taking into account every variable, NJMG can create hundreds of thousands of different missions!
  If you just consider the more important ones that really make difference, there are still 169 different combinations of targets, routing and
  diversion attacks on the bomber command side alone. This is not even taking into account the surprises that RAF nightfighters will have for you.
  No matter what, NJMG should keep you busy for while ;)

A huge thank you goes to CY6 for fulfilling many requests regarding Command_and_Control v1.10. His mod makes these night missions possible.

If you want to use an NJMG specific navigation map with your CY6_ash_BoF_Ruhr map you can download it here:



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« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2011, 05:04:56 AM »

FM radiobeacon added.


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Re: NACHTJAGD MISSION GENERATOR v2.0 - Tons of new features
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2011, 05:17:54 AM »

Oh wow, this is immense...!


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« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2011, 10:29:49 AM »

Hello fellow night-fighters,

Spunitkshock recently sent me missions he had created using his new night-fighter mission generator. So far, I only played the first one (23. Oct. '43) of ten German night-fighter missions, but, wow, this is epic stuff! At 1:30 am, it's DARK out there! By the way, someone should tell these Heinis from the Flak to eat more carrots and get their aircraft recognition up to speed. An Uhu just does NOT look like a Mosquito...  ;)
I didn't play the mission at full real settings yet. I still had to have the map icons on. After take off, as you may have guessed, our friends from the Luftwaffe-AA began using my plane for target practice. After evading their wild fusillades, I found a lone red plane on my radar and went for it. But, alas, it suddenly attacked a whole bunch of blue planes and I only found them all, because they were using tracer ammunition. Eventually, the enemy plane, which turned out to be a British night fighter, got hit and had a nice come-and-get-me trail of fuel and smoke. So, I followed him and got a few good hits on target, but in the dark, it's hard to see and my wild firing led to me not just hitting the enemy plane, but at least one of my buddies, too. Eventually, the enemy night fighter, probably a Mosquito, got away from me and one of my virtual squad mates knocked him down. So, on to the next target, a big bunch of red planes on the radar map. Finally, enemy bombers! A whole stream of them nicely silhouetted against the moon! I went after them, but they had an escort! Oh no!  I still got one of the Viermots with the SM, but then the enemy night fighters were all over me. Three of them, according to the "radar." Never even saw one of them, just kept evading them by map icons and instruments. Eventually, I lured them over a German base in the hopes of our AA getting rid of them for me, but no such luck. Our AA guys don't seem to like carrots all that much.  :( Eventually, that infernal trio forced me down, and I attempted to land, a bit hastily, I admit. Broke the right gear when dropping it (too much speed) and landed sideways. Afterwards, found myself drenched in sweat. I haven't had this much fun playing Il-2 in a long time. Thanks again, Sputnik.


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« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2011, 10:37:17 AM »

Hello fellow night-fighters,

Spunitkshock recently sent me missions he had created using his new night-fighter mission generator. So far, I only played the first one (23. Oct. '43) of ten German night-fighter missions, but, wow, this is epic stuff! At 1:30 am, it's DARK out there! By the way, someone should tell these Heinis from the Flak to eat more carrots and get their aircraft recognition up to speed. An Uhu just does NOT look like a Mosquito...  ;)
I didn't play the mission at full real settings yet. I still had to have the map icons on. After take off, as you may have guessed, our friends from the Luftwaffe-AA began using my plane for target practice. After evading their wild fusillades, I found a lone red plane on my radar and went for it. But, alas, it suddenly attacked a whole bunch of blue planes and I only found them all, because they were using tracer ammunition. Eventually, the enemy plane, which turned out to be a British night fighter, got hit and had a nice come-and-get-me trail of fuel and smoke. So, I followed him and got a few good hits on target, but in the dark, it's hard to see and my wild firing led to me not just hitting the enemy plane, but at least one of my buddies, too. Eventually, the enemy night fighter, probably a Mosquito, got away from me and one of my virtual squad mates knocked him down. So, on to the next target, a big bunch of red planes on the radar map. Finally, enemy bombers! A whole stream of them nicely silhouetted against the moon! I went after them, but they had an escort! Oh no!  I still got one of the Viermots with the SM, but then the enemy night fighters were all over me. Three of them, according to the "radar." Never even saw one of them, just kept evading them by map icons and instruments. Eventually, I lured them over a German base in the hopes of our AA getting rid of them for me, but no such luck. Our AA guys don't seem to like carrots all that much.  :( Eventually, that infernal trio forced me down, and I attempted to land, a bit hastily, I admit. Broke the right gear when dropping it (too much speed) and landed sideways. Afterwards, found myself drenched in sweat. I haven't had this much fun playing Il-2 in a long time. Thanks again, Sputnik.

no they are on acid so it is like playing space invaders... with real planes or in this case computer generated 3d mesh

oh actually its there for realism at the target in world war 2 the germans had flak guarding high priority installations with orders to shoot at anything friend or foe I dont actually know this is just guessing on my part


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« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2011, 07:39:50 AM »

Well im finally getting it set up so that I can use it! Ive been too busy to play it lately.
Quick question, anyone have the order of battle for NJG 1 from 43-44? I can only find Jan '45.
Also, in the mission editor would it be possible to make Venlo a loiter point like the other beacons?


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« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2011, 08:14:49 AM »



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« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2011, 08:59:27 AM »

Cool thanks!
OK well heres what 'Im getting.
I was trying to setup the order of battle to what NJG1 actually had (Uhu's, 110G-4's, etc). I can change the AI planes to whatever I like. I had bomber streams of Lancs and Halifax escorted by Mosquito NFMk2's, but any time I tried to change the player aircraft to anything other than 110G2 it stops loading at 90% with a null error.


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« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2011, 10:09:00 AM »

Hm...works for me and did also work with the mis files i sent FW. I suspect it's a typo or space missing etc.
Try this:

Class air.HE_219UHU   
weapons default   

Just did a test, works fine here.

It's generally best to load an empty map (could be any) in the FMB, place your plane somewhere on it, set it up according to your prefs and save as temp.mis. Then open temp.mis in your text editor and copy paste the lines for skin, class and weapons one by one to NJMG. This should work with any a/c.


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« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2011, 10:32:12 AM »

I forgot to change the weapons loadout to default. I did that and now I'm flying Uhu's and G-4's. Silly me  ;)

EDIT: Well I finally got to fly one beginning to end! My LORD!
The new CnC mod makes this amazing. The mission generator is amazing. Mosquito's suck. The Friendly AI sucks. But seriously the worst thing in the world is to be closing in on a contact and then hear the sound of twin merlins...Ended up getting jumped by and bagging two mossies, then 4 more halifax.

So unlike the last generator, I like how as I'm low on fuel, guns empty, weaving my way through flak just as I see home runways in the moonlight, there it is again, twin merlins angrily buzzing at me. Oh boy a welcome home party! Went head to head twice and out of the second merge I dropped flaps, gear, and ran in at 300kph. Seriously I was sweating the whole way! I putting on the brakes  just as he was getting within gun range. Strange thing is he broke off? AI limitation I guess?

This. Mod. Rulz!

P.S. Can venlo be a loitering point in the next generator version? :P


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« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2011, 06:12:21 PM »

Can venlo be a loitering point in the next generator version? :P

Good point actually, there should be a possibility to dispatch some nightfighters to protect the field. But don't expect too much,
just reread parts of Gebhard Aders brilliant book about the german nightfighting force, and mossies catching nightfighters on final approach happened quite frequently in the later stages of the war. So yes, there will be some sort of hombase CAP in the next version, but then, since we want to keep it realistic...mossies will have to get even meaner as well  8)
Seriously, I know they are a plague. Meanest thing is still when you do patterns at the beacon, friendly fighters around, so you get frequent radar contacts/rear warnings but gladly ignore them since you are sure it's your own planes when suddenly...



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« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2011, 07:19:57 PM »

Well thanks to jaffa's sound mods my luftwaffe buddies sound very different than the mosses. God that sound. Sucks!
I know it unrealistic but I may 'accidentally' put some me262'on cap... 8)
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