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Author Topic: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding subject are not allowed  (Read 22817 times)

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Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding subject are not allowed
« on: March 07, 2011, 12:00:07 PM »

Hi everyone

This post is primarily about SFS packing, and why we will not allow discussion of it. But it also relates to subjects like the encryption of Buttons and the encryption of COD files ect.

When about 2 years ago, CharlieChap from HSFX got an SFS packer for use on SEOW packs, he shared the results of it (the SFS archives) with the wider community. This led to some being under the impression that I too have such an SFS packer, and a flood of emails and PM's, requesting copies of it. I of course did not, and a number of the requests turned quite nasty and insulting. Many accused me of being a "modding mafia" and a traitor to free modding and all kinds of bullshit. Some tried emotional blackmail and all sorts of underhanded tricks and angles to get it from me.

Now, Lutz and Hades have an SFS packer which Lutz developed over the course of two years . This time around I made it very clear, publically, that I DO NOT HAVE IT. Nor do I want it. I DO NOT want to go through the same shit again as last time. Yet, apart from a few enquiries that were quite polite, I seem destined to.

I do not have a big installation of mods slowing my loading times, I have UP2.01 on 4.09. I use my SAS Modact installs largely for testing and development and experimentation, and they have only a few small mods in them. So I have never had the need myself.

I have a great working relationship with UP and HSFX, and have always been able to have crucial mods (all of which are available here) packed into SFS, for all to enjoy, and will continue to do so in future.

Now, SFS packing is a powerfull tool for packers of ModPacks. Unfortunately, there are sites out there trying to get their hands on such a thing for no other reason that to make money, and with no regard for the division they will cause again in the IL2 world. I know that if I ever have it, a few of my friends will get it from me, and soon, it will be all over.

So here, for the last time : I DO NOT HAVE AN SFS PACKER.

Nor was I involved, apart from being invited years ago to a few private development discussions (which I did not understand anyway), in it's development. I have no information on how it works.

We are also not going to allow anyone on this site to discuss it in open forums, or allow users to badger people by PM about it. This is because there are people out there, as I have mentioned, who want this for private gain, and will destroy happily the balance and unity that we have worked hard with HSFX, UP, C6, and other sites to achive. To have a limited number of packs for online play in SFS brings a lot of stability to our world, and allows for much more creativity and productivity from the many modders who are avid online players.

Regarding Buttons and COD encoding. Although I have these tools, they are not up for public discussion (although we are always OK with discussion of their contents and bugs from that, as we always have). There are paranoid people out there who accuse us of being some sort of surpressive conspiracy to keep modding knowledge secret.

The truth is (as those same paranoids will know first hand) that we have never turned a serious modder away or refused them knowledge they needed for their projects. Ever. Just because we do it in private and in closed forums, does not mean we are trying to ruthlessly surpress all knowledge of modding, or that we are on some sort of evil power trip.

We just think it is irresponsible to make some powerfull and easy to use modding tools available to every pre-puberty teenager and his posse out there. Sure, for us offliners it would be no big deal, but for online players, it would litteraly be the end of the world. And without the modding contributions of the online crowd, people, the SAS would be a much quieter place.

We know that this attitude of ours may not be to the taste of some out there, but that is how we roll. You may disagree, and you may be the guy to one day splash these tools open for all to see. You may be the guy who goes down in history as the cat who fucked up IL2 for everyone. But it is not going to happen here.

So please be aware, if you post such tool related questions or discussions, and your post dissapears, this is why. If we merely make some fun of it, you are lucky. If we get a report of a PM that is out of line, there will be have to answer for it. If you are a serious modder with a serious need for Buttons access or COD help, then you will know you have the full right to ask, privately, for help, and if you have the shit to back your self up, you will get the help. But be aware, we have also not been in IL2 modding since yesterday, and mostly, we can tell one way or the other.

These rules in NO WAY prohibits the discussion of button or COD or SFS mod related issues that users may have. Those are always welcome.

Thank you


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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 02:54:26 PM »

SFS Repacking should stay with the ModPacks, just because they are so large, I believe their is no need to have each mod repacked into a SFS, it would just cause conflicts.

~S~ Jones


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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 12:13:55 AM »

Regarding Buttons and COD encoding. Although I have these tools

... with a serious need for Buttons access or COD help,

Jeez CirX, you already cracked Cliffs Of Dover ...!!  :P


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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2011, 01:33:52 AM »

Jeez CirX, you already cracked Cliffs Of Dover ...!!  :P

Haha! hardly!  :D No, COD is a type of encrypted file used in IL2 that relates to weapons loadouts and bombclasses, and some other things.


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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2011, 02:57:17 AM »

COD is a type of encrypted file used in IL2 that relates to weapons loadouts and bombclasses, and some other things.
I thought it's where the easteregg screens are. The naked ladies, Paulo Hirth's avatar etc ;)

Best regards - Mike
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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2011, 03:37:44 AM »

Now, Lutz and Hades have an SFS packer which Lutz developed over the course of two years . This time around I made it very clear, publically, that I DO NOT HAVE IT. Nor do I want it. I DO NOT want to go through the same shit again as last time. Yet, apart from a few enquiries that were quite polite, I seem destined to.

Now not to be a smartass, but is this wisdom?
Since you don't want people to bug you (CirX), and assuming the SFS packer tool is not freely available, you just might direct people directly towards Lutz and HadeS with this, who I hope, are aware of this. ;)



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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2011, 05:23:33 AM »

Now not to be a smartass, but is this wisdom?
Since you don't want people to bug you (CirX), and assuming the SFS packer tool is not freely available, you just might direct people directly towards Lutz and HadeS with this, who I hope, are aware of this. ;)

As I understand it, the problem is not to redirect inquiries, but that people do not believe that he does not have the packer, leading to accusations and flames.

It is perhaps one of those things that you can never make some people believe. You can never prove that you dont have it :D


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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2011, 05:39:12 AM »

Once again, I can confirm.

Two SFS packer distribs are available: one for Hades for UP and the other on my side foreseen to package II/JG51 AOC mod.

Now, I understand. Up to now, I thought that cod was a kind of fish ...


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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2011, 12:23:32 AM »

soon the Cash On Delivery offers will be coming in for Lutz's packer.... ;D :D
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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2011, 01:01:26 AM »

I confirm, it is not for Call Of Duty.


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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2011, 01:47:36 PM »

Isnt the European Union planning to ban Cod?


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Re: Why SFS, Buttons and COD encoding supbject are not allowed
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2011, 02:05:55 PM »

I dont know, but there was several institutions around the world that wanted to ban "the Da Vinci Cod"
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