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Author Topic: F13 Tokyo Rose Skin request  (Read 2591 times)

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F13 Tokyo Rose Skin request
« on: March 12, 2011, 09:50:31 AM »

1st November 144, Tokyo inhabitants looke up at sky and they see a dazzling appearance. Over the city flying the first american plane since the Doolittle`s attack with 2 B-25. This courageous intruder without camo are the "Tokyo Rose" a reconnaisance version of B-29, based in Saipan, at 2.092 km. Japanese anti-aircraft defenses responded to to the alert, batteries open fire and fighters take off. Unperturbed the F 13 pilot, Ralph Steakley flew over the city meanwhile plane cameras drew 7.000 photos of potential targets...
(Translated of "Bombarderos sobre JapĆ³n I")

Tokyo Rose was the first american B 29 aircraft to fly over the capital of the Rising Sun, as part of the campaign later reduced Japan to smoking ruins, I like this plane for his historical role in Pacific Theater, so I would like to have this skin, I'll be grateful to anyone with information on where to find it or anyone who wishes to.  :)


Sorry for my English  :(
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