Ultimate 109s working in 4.12.1m. Coming soon

Stefan2 has kindly compiled together all existing slots and a host of fixes. I've spent a bit of time today sorting through it and putting it together the next Ultimate 109s. It will now include all models from B to T and we'll add in a handful of slots removed from UP/DBW. HOWEVER, where possible slots will remain condensed and will either be selectable based on map or loadout (e.g. Trops appear on desert maps, recon variants selected from loadouts).
By default, it will include Wolfighter's new Luftwaffe pilots, Jeronimo's new spinners and a host a other fixes. JapanCat's previous 3D work is included, but I won't be including the latest. It is not complete and whilst a few select models will look great, it does not fit with the consistency of the pack. Muas's early 109 pit is included. DW's cockpits will be a standard feature (and may include Greif's repaints too)
No expected date but as there is little to do on the Java end, should be out sooner rather than later.