So the other day the capacitors on our motherboard blew. We just decided to get a new computer. It's an HP Pavillion with Windows 7 Home Pre. 64 bit. Now, I know IL-2 has some bugginess when used w/ Windows 7, but it installed just fine on our Dell XPS 9000 with the same OS. I decided to reinstall (vanilla 4.07 from disc), and everything went smoothly up until about 89%. There, it got stuck on some German skin files, can't remember which ones specifically. It said: "error, cannot find "insert skin file here" Please check that you have permission to access this file and that is is accesible. 'Retry/Cancel' Pressing retry freezes it, and pressing cancel stops the installer. I am admin, and the disc isn't damaged or rewritable, so it isn't either of those. What could be wrong?