Basically, a toy (just-for-fun plane).
Mod represents some fictional Nazi robotic/remote controlled version of Ju-88 Mistel (non-flyable, of course).
Combat deployment:- Air-To-Air -
Can be used for air-to-air missions as formation destroyer (both in QMB & FMB).
Once ordered (or programmed) to, drone approaches enemy aircraft and detonates (except
none weapon configuration).
Charge also can be set-off by enemy fire (usially, too close, considering blast radius).
- Air-To-Ground -
Can be used for air-to-ground FMB missions as level and/or suicide bomber.
In last waypoint (if it isn't a landing point), drone searches for enemy surface targets and executes kamikaze attack.
If there is no targets, it executes area bombing in same style.
In strike zone, even if it isn't a last waypoint, but some target specified for attack, drone will also execute kamikaze attack, but only if having bomb loadout (due to game AI restrictions).
If no targets specified in strike zone and landing point is programmed in flight plan, drone will just perform area bombing with free-fall bombs or paraflares, then proceed to next waypoint or RTB.
Kamikaze capability also can be used in QMB.
If drone units is in player gruppe, player can order drones to attack ground targets. Drones will execute kamikaze attack (only if having bomb loadout). Order can't be cancelled.
Features:- drone uses Walter RATO for take-off (except
none weapon configuration) and air brakes for shortening landing run.
AI nasty feature:- if badly damaged, angry drone will try to ram ground targets or explode in mid-air in harmful way to take some airborne enemies with self
Loadouts:none [just warhead]
default [Starthilfe HWK 109-500 & air-to-air capability]
28x Luftmarkierungskorpers [same as above & paraflares]
28x SC 50 [same & bombs]
28x SC 70
Mistel and some of Ju-88A-4 skins fits pretty well.
Link to download: install, unpack RAR folder into your
\MODS directory.
Optionally, U can create
\PaintSchemes\Skins\Ju-88_drone folder in game root directory, to copy some skins here.
To have new AC available if QMB & FMB, add following line in
air.ini file:
Ju-88_drone air.JU_88drone 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMERand another line (optional) in file:
Ju-88_drone Ju-88 Robot, 1946or something like that.
Have fun !