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Author Topic: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.6 (unmodded V4.11m)  (Read 22905 times)

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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.5 (unmodded)
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2012, 03:03:27 PM »

The new beta 4.11m DCG doesn't like this campaign either...though it simply could be 4.11... :'( :'( :'(


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.5 (unmodded)
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2012, 09:53:24 PM »

A fix:

Use the new 4.11m beta DCG 3.47, delete payloads.dcg, allpayloads.dcg, and class.dcg files found within the Solomon's campaign folder.

Courtesy of Lowengrin.  :)

Have it working fine for me now, even the optional Ki-45 version, just can't have it (Ki-45) selected as player's plane in the campaign as dcg thinks it is AI only and bad things occur (even with working flyable mod) - will have to figure out how to fix this (????).


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.5 (unmodded)
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2012, 06:10:55 AM »

True, I've accidentally left the Ki-45 as flyable in the campaign!
Sorry, modder disease!
"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.5 (unmodded)
« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2012, 08:51:21 AM »

True, I've accidentally left the Ki-45 as flyable in the campaign!
Sorry, modder disease!

Ahh, but if we have the working K-45 flyable mod, is it not possible to have it available? - not sure what to edit in the files (will investigate). It would be nice to fly it in this campaign too. Love this campaign Lonestar!!  ;D Going to try and plug the early Lightnings (which I have working with 4.11) into this as well.

Any chance you may be doing some more 4.11m stock campaigns?


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.5 (unmodded)
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2012, 01:19:20 PM »

Would be satisfied, when all my campaigns run with the new DBW 1.71 installation! Then I try to make the Solomon campaign compatible for 4.11!
Paul Lowengrin has made very good campaigns for almost all stock maps! You should try those campaigns first!
"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.6 (unmodded V4.11m)
« Reply #29 on: February 29, 2012, 01:04:40 PM »

Changes for IL-2 1946 V4.11m:
1. Reworked completly the New Georgia campaign for both partys like ship routes, land routes, timeline and other things!
Main reason for the changes was, that the allies have more efficient invasions and resupply for their ground units and to remove unnecessary ship routes for the japanese!
2. Added the Ki-45 Hei (not flyable!) to the campaign (instead of Bf-110G2) and replaced the TBF1C with the TBF1 for the campaigns before 1943!
"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.6 (unmodded V4.11m)
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2012, 12:58:08 PM »

Hi Lonestar, thanks a bunch for updating this!

Not sure if it is just coincidence or a problem, but I am not seeing the KI-45's in action. Yes, I see them in the squadrons in the mission files, but I have yet to see them in the theater at this point. For example, 3 missions in a Bougainville  '43 I haven't see a one yet (I have been allowing AI plane views and cycling through to make sure everything seems okay). I know there is one squadron assigned them. Perhaps they just haven't been allocated a mission yet (?). I tried another campaign that was supposed to have a squad of them as well, but same thing. It may be just a fluke, not sure...will watch this closely...


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.6 (unmodded V4.11m)
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2012, 07:14:16 PM »

Hi redwolf!
Set "Squadron density" to "full" and they will appear! At "dense" or lower, it could be, that it takes a few missions!
"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.6 (unmodded V4.11m)
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2012, 07:26:26 AM »

Hi redwolf!
Set "Squadron density" to "full" and they will appear! At "dense" or lower, it could be, that it takes a few missions!

 :( I have not been able to play any of your campaigns lately Lonestar. I think they may a huge compatability issue with DCG4DBW (please Slink don't hate me, this is just an opinion) . I was flying Solomons and I get a pink SBD3 on the blue side which in itself is crazy since it is a red plane. It's hot pink and floating in the water. Also not a single blue plane is generating and I airstart with my engine not even on. I'm deeply sad at this point. For the last few days all I want to do is play DCg and I can't it seems. I hate the forums paper trail back and forth to resolve the issue. Man i am lost and depressed. I know you dont use a lot of the mods I do but it would sure help. I have nothing or no one to compare my class.dcg or allpayloads.dcg files with. The PBY5 isn't even in the new DCG4DBW yet so I deleted the plane from the squadron list thinking that was the culprit but it didnt even help. We are missing so many class files to even play these campaigns. I sure wish they never took all those nice planes from the new DBW because I think it may have been better but in the same token, it made it confusing on what planes to apply since every campaign is different. Please help. Maybe you and Slink can sit down and resolve this issue. Your campaigns are too good to be left unplayed.  :'(


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.6 (unmodded V4.11m)
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2012, 08:31:32 AM »

Hi Chaney!
Have a little patience! I am going to make the modded Solomons campaign compatible for DBW and DCG 3.47, but that will take time!
Some squadrons, aircrafts and payloads entrys no longer exist or were changed in DBW since UP 2.01!
And please, when you want to play one of my campaigns, use the .dcg files which are included in each folder of my campaigns!
I use "Slinks" reworked .dcg files but I have modified them, especially the class.dcg and payloads.dcg files!
Because some aircrafts were not included or I changed height, speed or payload settings of aircrafts for each campaign!

If you're overwhelmed with all the mods, I advise you to uninstall all additional mods, maybe a completely new installation of DBW, and then focus only on a campaign that you want to play the most!
For this campaign, then you install only the additional mods that you really need for this campaign!
As I said, its only a advice!

Hope it helps, Chaney!
"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.6 (unmodded V4.11m)
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2012, 09:23:13 AM »

Hi Chaney!
Have a little patience! I am going to make the modded Solomons campaign compatible for DBW and DCG 3.47, but that will take time!
Some squadrons, aircrafts and payloads entrys no longer exist or were changed in DBW since UP 2.01!
And please, when you want to play one of my campaigns, use the .dcg files which are included in each folder of my campaigns!
I use "Slinks" reworked .dcg files but I have modified them, especially the class.dcg and payloads.dcg files!
Because some aircrafts were not included or I changed height, speed or payload settings of aircrafts for each campaign!

If you're overwhelmed with all the mods, I advise you to uninstall all additional mods, maybe a completely new installation of DBW, and then focus only on a campaign that you want to play the most!
For this campaign, then you install only the additional mods that you really need for this campaign!
As I said, its only a advice!

Hope it helps, Chaney!

haha thanks Lonestar for the quick response. I'm fairly good with mods but what you just told me makes A Lot of sense. Whew, now I really know I aint going crazy lol. Man this is great news. I tried and tried and I was like I know what I'm doing but something wasn't right hehe. Well during the course of my "troubleshooting" I completely corrupted this game folder. I will have to take one of my many copies of IL2 and re do it all again. But a big part of this is fun along with frustration. I love trying to fix things. I took a couple of windwpn's mod packs and reworked them and my game was doing awesome.....until the dreaded files i didn't have for my 3rd party campaigns. O well, I'll be back in about a week. I'm very methodical so I do my installs slow. Hey maybe by then we may have new classfiles hehe. No rush. stock DCG aint so bad.  :D  S! m8.

Btw the new planes I did have installed were ready to do some serious damage on ships. TBD-1 baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooohooo!


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Re: DCG Solomons 1942-45 V1.6 (unmodded V4.11m)
« Reply #35 on: April 22, 2012, 09:24:53 AM »

Glad to hear you're updating DCG Solomons 1942-45 for DBW and 3.47. This is the one I'm looking forward to most !

Take your time though - I'm still only half way through your DCG BoB campaign, and enjoying it tremendously. After that, Cyrenaica41 - it looks to be a good one as well !

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