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Author Topic: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)  (Read 64139 times)

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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #36 on: May 08, 2011, 09:43:32 AM »

Thank you, i always liked aircraft est


Paulo Hirth

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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2011, 10:45:01 AM »

 Thank you very much Benitomuso! Great work!


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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #38 on: May 08, 2011, 02:32:17 PM »

Thank you for this combined He-219 package, Benitomuso. I don't mean to complain; I would just like to point out that in Sputnik's latest version, the compass and the radar navigation were working. However, since I installed your version, they no longer work. Did anybody else encounter this problem, or is it just me?





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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2011, 10:18:56 PM »

         have you it properly installed? have you downloaded recently the MOD (one day after the first release I updated the file).

  In my installation the compass works perfectly and when you say radar navigation what do you mean? The beacons of the 4.10? In fact I don'w know much about it, if you give me more details I can confirm to you if it's OK or not.



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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #40 on: May 09, 2011, 06:16:38 PM »

Hi Pablo,

I downloaded your version of the He-219 again yesterday and installed it according to your instructions. However, the problems persist. I should have been a little more precise in my first post, though. In regard to the compass, what I meant is that it is working, but not as smoothly as in Sputnik's version. The dial keeps following the needle in big leaps in a somewhat jerky motion, but the needle does indicate the proper direction.
If I remember correctly, Sputnik's version also had glow added to almost all of the instruments. For example, in the altimeter, not just the hands lit up, but all the numbers, too. The same goes for the artificial horizon, not just the little dot in the center was lit, but the whole instrument.
The radio navigation instrument (for the radio beacons that came with the 4.10 patch) still does not work, even after installing the latest version of your He-219 package. Could there be some fundamental difference in the cockpit between this version and CY6's original?

Thanks for your help,



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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #41 on: May 09, 2011, 09:14:56 PM »

         yesterday I took a look to the code. What you mean about the "glow" is that in Sputnik version, the aircraft is originally with the cockpit light on. I set everything in the normal way. If you want lights, just pres Shift+L, Ctrl+L or whatever combination of keys you have asigned to the cockpit lights and you will see the same. About the movement of the compass I haven't seen any difference in how is moved (I compared the two codes, the Sputnik one and my one, where I adopted some of his changes).

  What you say about the beacons is not at the cockpit code, but at the plane code. And Sputnik only made changes to the cockpit code. Being the original CY6 a 4.09m it never had any code intended for the 4.10m features, so I really don't understand how have you ever seen that. So, it's strange. I have added some of the typical code for beacons in the common way for 4.10 in my version, but I don't use it so I don't know it it really works or not.

  I have updated a couple of things in the code to make it more normal and I think that I will upload it. One thing that perhaps you didn't notice is that they pilots don't bailout, they just volatilize in air.



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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #42 on: May 10, 2011, 05:40:52 AM »

Thanks for your help, Pablo,

I did notice that when pressing "Ctrl+E" for bail out, the canopy comes off and then the crew just disappears. I also realize that "Ctrl+L" turns the cockpit lights on and off. However, in Sputnik's version, for example, the numbers on the altimeter, as well as the entire artifical horizon/bank indicator were always lighted, regardless of the "Ctrl+L" command. As far as the radio beacon navigation instrument goes, I am pretty sure that it worked. Your explanaton makes sense and according to it, it's hard to see how this instrument could have been working in the earlier version. I hope I am not starting to imagine things here. Perhaps, I should try to re-install the old version and post screen shots.

Looking forward to your update, though.





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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #43 on: May 10, 2011, 07:51:23 PM »

Hi Pablo,

Here is the readme from Sputnik's nightpatch:

"Nightpatch for CY6's & 101tfs WIP He-219.
Will enable nightlighting/glow for all gauges on the panel and activate the new IL-2 v4.10 navigation features.
The outer markers/middle marker red warning light in the AFN gauge is not working yet, but you will hear an
audible warning when overhead the markers.

Extract in your He-219 folder. When asked to overwrite files click yes, but don't forget to backup first!


According to this, ALL instruments should be lit, including numbers on gauges, etc. The new navigation features for radio beacons did work, according to this. When I had this version installed, I even made a night-orientation mission for the plane, using two beacons. It worked then, but does not work now.
This evening, I tried to re-install the old version (Version 4, without the flight stick in the cockpit) of the He-219 to show you some screen shots of what the old cockpit/instruments looked like. However, no matter what I did, whenever I started up the game, your version kept coming up (The cockpit with the flight stick in it). I even removed your folder "Planes-He219-PAL" from my mods folder and replaced it with the old "He-219" folder, but your version of the plane still appears in the game. Shouldn't this be impossible? I think that this is really, really weird.
I use Il-2 1946 4.101 plus SAS 2.7.
I still have Sputnikshock's patches. I assume that you have them, too. But if not, I could email them to you, if it helps.

Any help with this puzzle would be appreciated.




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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #44 on: May 10, 2011, 09:11:42 PM »

Hi Pablo,

Problem (partially) solved. I now have version 4 of the He-219 back. My game kept re-loading your version, because I still had a backup folder of your version in my MODS folder, which I had overlooked. After temporarily removing it from the game, the old version loaded again. Please see below for some screenshots of the version 4-cockpit.

Radio navigation instrument on lower left working.

Instrument panel with cockpit light in "OFF" position. Numbers on gauges and artificial horizon are fully lit.

Instrument panel with cockpit lights in "ON" position.

Fuel gauge working.

Do you think you could include these features in your patch? That would be super!




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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #45 on: May 10, 2011, 09:41:37 PM »

            OK, but so I never had that Sputnik patch, that someone only told me in this thread.

  Yes, there is some 3D work that is not applied. I know why even not having it implemented the beacons can work in the Sputnik cockpit. He uses a referrenced way for the variables and he never write them explicitly, so if you open a 4.09 will load the 4.09 ones or if you open a 4.10 it will do the corresponding. Now I have added the corresponding in the way it is used in the stock 4.10 planes.

  Please, make a .rar with the version (a 4.09m I understand) with everything as you have it working with all the lights (I hope it is not too big) and please send it to me to the mail adress you will find under my avatar.



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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #46 on: May 11, 2011, 10:53:50 AM »

FW, perhaps one day we will be able to have something like this:

In Cliffs of Dover 3 may be.

Full page:




PD: does anybody found some real information about how was the radar screen of the He-219? It would be very nice to have it, because I soon will be able to implement it.


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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #47 on: May 11, 2011, 11:31:28 AM »

Where do I find Sputnik's 'Nightpatch for CY6's & 101tfs WIP He-219'?
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