Well, I am happy to know big maps of Europe are coming up soon! Existign maps like Norvik, Cross Channel, Rhur, MTO or B-29 Alley are wonderful, but sometimes I really wish to fly a mission that takes just as long as the ones in real life. And that many of the time-range-fuel-fatigue factors that affected the real pilots also affect me.
I don't find big, real-scaled maps boring to fly... even if there is just water and more water... 6 hours of water to fly to get to the target. There is plenty to do: formation flying, keeping an eye for bandits, nursing the engines, finding your way to the target and back to base or the carrier... sometimes it is a fun challenge to do it as close as it was in real life. Specially now that IL-2 has become such a cool flying experience with all the new planes and patches and mods.
And with the next official patch that promises stuff like mission triggers and AI that can't see you inside clouds, long search-track-destroy missions become viable... imagine making a mission hunting Allied convoys to Murmarsk in the north seas in your FW200 Condor... it could take you quite some time to find one. Once you find it you need to play a cat-and-mosue game staying far enough so CAM Hurricanes or Sea Spitfires don't come after you, hiding in the clouds, behind squalls; but you need to stay in contact long enought until junker bombers and uboats are called in and vectored towards the convoy... you could do it with triggers and a big enought map to spend the whole day at it.... it could be really cool.