As you chaps are no doubt aware, Howlin has been given access to the newsline to make updates with historical information - on this day etc.
I volunteered for that as well, and so I was wondering, do you have any feedback for the stuff currently up there? One of the messages news bites was about the Royal marines landing in Norway in 1940 on this day; the other about a pivotal moment in English History. As things stand, I was thinking along the lines one 'on this day' post regarding the second world war, and another on any random interesting or important historical event. It just happened to be the Battle of Barnet; if it had been two days earlier, the first manned space flight would have surely won out.
Where do you want to go from here? More war stuff? Different historical events? Imnportant social or scientific discoveries? I appreciate that picking random historical events might not be for everyone - a russian might be rather unmoved by the knowledge that today, 540 years ago, the Wars of the Roses finally began to conclude and at the sametime, I myself was rather indifferent to the knowledge that yesterday was the 268th birthday of Thomas Edison.