Somewhere along the lines I upset my computer and it's now corrupted. One of the sys32 windows drivers is buggered and it won't boot. Windows repair won't work, neither will repairing it from the cd. System restore etc is also broken. Command prompt appears to work though.
My question, I have an external hard drive that registers as f:\ on my computer. I would dearly love it to copy across my games install folder, c:\Games and Stuff with all its many wonders to my external. Have attempted command prompting this based on tutorials, but no such luck. What should I type to in theory move games and stuff folder to the f:\ drive or a folder on that? eg f:\save which is ideally where it would go.
At the moment command prompt doesn't seem to recognize c:\Games and Stuff, perhaps the syntax is wrong or something?
Also if I re-install windows, will it insist on wiping everything on my c:\ drive?
I don't have the necessary space to reinstall it at the moment anyway, 13gb out of a recommended 19.2gb. Is there a command prompt way of deleting something or, bearing in mind that i'm reinstalling windows 7 anyway, will that not really matter? I haven't really pushed on with the re-install windows thing yet in case I break something else or lose data.
Gents, I'd really appreciate any and all advice I would dearly love to save the Games and Stuff Folder (and documents etc) as I've invested a lot of time in some of the games and programs I have customising and altering them . Anyone who has a heavily modded IL2 will understand,then duplicate it for other games too.. Urrgh, very annoying, hopefully with your help I'll be able to save it!
Cheers gents,