What PC have you got? There is NOTHING in modact 3 that puts any more strain on one's PC than modact 5 did. I reviewed your p[revious posts about Modact 3 and 2.5. Have you read the full guide for Modact 3? Have you read the full first thread of Modact 3? Because somewhere you say you cannot connect to hyperlobby, yet the fix is right there in the first post.
Have you tried running modact 3 with different settings? Like return to default sounds and forgotten countries off, to see if it makes a difference? Have you tried it with any of the different exe's we provided?
have you considdered that while modact 2.5b was for the very buggy 4.10 version of il2, which we dont support in any way shape or form anymore, and why we removed the modact 2.5 as soon as we could, that version 2.7 (which you refered to also not working in another post) was for the 4.101 update, as is modact 3?
Anyway, I wanted to give you a link to ASS, since they ripped off the 2.5 modact bit for bit, and afaik it was still available there. But it seems their site is down right now.
So, here is modact 2.5
https://www.sas1946.com/downloads/essentialsas/modact/SAS_ModAct_2.5b_for_410.7zBut keep in mind, it is not supported here, and the only version of IL2 it works on, which is pure 4.10, is definitely not supported, or recommended.