Hi londo
i believe many others will agree with me that it is a clever idea
after few days of trying of making convois is FMB i realized that not all ships holding their written speed
I will tell whats happend:
I made a convoi of mulitple types of surface ships:
HMS Formidable, HMS Indomitable, HMS Ameer, HMS Duke of York, HMS King George V, 3 light cruisers Kirov, 3 heavy cruisers of Fiji class, 3 Tribal class destroyers and 10 "O" Class destroyers.
All ships had 2 waypoints, both of them with written speed 35km/h. I controlled all waypoints twice
When i loaded the mission and looked at the convoi .................all ships except of those 10 "O" Class destroyers were exatly at the same speed.
"O"Class destroyers were like speeders, they ran with speed over 35 km/h after 60 minutes of sailing were those destroyers almost 10 km ahead of the rest of all ships.
The rest of convoi sailed exatly with 35 km/h and no one ship was behind .
I don´t know if it is a bug of the game or of the mods but the russian destroyers doing it too and the repaint of them as german Z class as well.
Both going with much higher speed . After getting back into FMB those destroyers showed in the speed window 35km/h as the other ships.
well that´s my experiences with doing convois on Il-2