Not sure if this is the proper place to report a bug with The Jet Era 1.33.
My game version is 4.12.2 with The Jet Era 1.33, SAS ModAct 5.3 and SAS Engine Mod v2.7.
The bug I have encountered is with the AIM-9B. When I fire off the second missle, the graphic of the missle stays under the wing, with a constant smoke trail behind the missle. Then every few seconds I keep hearing what sounds like a missle being fired off. This sound keeps repeating. I have screenshots of this bug.
When I was trying out this new install of The Jet Era 1.33 in the QMB, I did not see any issues. However, I am now in the process of making/testing a Dogfight map for these new jets and this is where I encountered the bug.
I ran an early version of The Jet Era several years ago and I kind of remember a similar bug to this one. That bug was eventually fixed.
*EDIT: With a little more testing on my part, it seems as though the bug only appears when running the mission in online mode....which would be as a Coop mission or Dogfight map. This may explain why I did not have any issues in the QMB.