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Author Topic: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack  (Read 37897 times)

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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #60 on: October 29, 2016, 04:51:55 AM »

Hey guys, finally got this wonderful mod to load the game up, got the 70% crash before but finally got the ship .ini and chief ini etc set right that it loads up completely. Only one problem though, I can't get them to show up in my dgen campaigns its the same as before ex. with this pack in coral sea battle I should see Shoho there when I launch from carrier, some missions of that sub campaign your taking off on shokaku or zuikaku and some you start off shoho and the ones with shoho start in ocean :(

p.s. I installed USN Fleet and light carrier mods from plowshare the same way and they work 100% in campaigns and missions. Now I do have shippack 3 mod installed as I use vp's modpack and wonder if that is coming into conflict with IJN Light carrier mod. Like I said game starts 100 percent so its not an .ini problem but something else and I got no errors on my log file.


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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #61 on: May 12, 2019, 03:59:08 PM »


       I hope someone can help me with the install to this pack. I know that this is an old topic but I am having similar 70% CTD problems so I would like to post all my information here and hope that someone can help. I have tried contacting western directly but I am sure he is busy as I haven't heard back yet. My game has been modded to 4.12.2m SAS Modact v 5.3. I followed the instructions very carefully and did three install attempts, two by myself and one with the help of an expert modder with the same 70% CTD result. I should mention here that I have previously installed western's Nagato BB Pack as well as his IJN Hosho and the Minekaze DD Pack among others.
Thanks to all who reply. Here is a step by step recap of what I did.

        Step 1 was easy as it was just a copy and paste of the "ShipWesIJNCVLpack" folder to my #SAS folder, where my other ship folders reside. Steps 2 and 3 were also simple as they were just single line additions in the chief.ini so no problem there. I skipped Step 4 as it called for adding the text in "add1.ship.ini"  to the ship.ini, and this

MinShotCaliber    0.203
NumShots          100
MinHitExplTNT     40
NumHitExpl        16
MinNearExplTNT    70
NumNearExpl       32

I already had in my ship.ini  in the correct spot (before [strength_HullEnorm]), possibly due to the Nagato install.  In Step 5 the
Gun                CannonUS_5_38Mk12
AttackMaxDistance    14622.0
AttackMaxRadius      14622.0
AttackMaxHeight       9439.0
HeadMinYaw               0
HeadMaxYaw             360
GunMinPitch             -8.0
GunMaxPitch            +88.0
HeadMaxYawSpeed          6.0
GunMaxPitchSpeed        12.0
ChainfireTime            0.0
DelayAfterShoot          4.0

already existed in my game, again possibly due to the Nagato,  although not where the directions indicated. It was under // Japan below the [cannon_JAType3_140mm] and before [scope_BBmain] which appear to refer to the Nagato. Since it already existed in one place I did not put in above the // Kirov to avoid a conflict, although I later tried putting it there without deleting the other entry for fear of messing up the Nagato, and still got a 70% CTD. In Step 6 I added all of the ship data from "add3.ship.ini" to the ship.ini, putting it after my last ship entry (the Brooklyn), and also trying it at the very bottom just above the EOF notation with a 70% CTD in each case. Steps 7 and 8 were straight forward one line additions which I did with no problems.

       So in spite of all of my care with this install I am still getting a 70%CTD in each case no matter what I do. The instructions were followed exactly with the two exceptions mentioned for the reasons stated. I have read the above posts in SAS and see others have had the same problem but cannot figure out their solution. I assume this is not class file related as I have been told this would cause a 20% CTD not 70%. Any help anyone can give me in solving this riddle would be greatly appreciated.




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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #62 on: May 13, 2019, 12:25:53 AM »

Can you post the error message which appears in the logfile?


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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #63 on: May 13, 2019, 02:12:55 PM »

Hi asheshouse,

       Thanks for replying. I was going to send my logfile but I wasn't sure if it was too long to send in its entirety and I wasn't sure where to look to sort out the relevant parts. I did use the Find feature with the words Warning, Internal Error, and RuntimeException and found some entries that way but again I'm not sure whether or not the information after these words would apply. Also, after my last failed install attempt I uninstalled all of the files I had put in and started the game to make sure it was working so I think this would have created a new log file, thus it would not contain any of the error messages pertaining to the loading attempts for the CVL file. I certainly don't want to install everything again just to generate as new set of error messages! Is there any way to retrieve old log files? Any other help or advice you can offer would be appreciated.



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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #64 on: May 14, 2019, 05:58:43 AM »

Its unfortunate that you've deleted all the files, so soon after requesting help!!

If you decide to try again then I suggest that you only add text to the ships.ini and chief.ini.
Leave all the other stuff untill you have it working.

In chief.ini only enable one ship at a time, checking after each one that the games still works and missions load ok.

to enable one ship at a time disable all but one with forward slash entries as below.
Code: [Select]

 IJNShohoCVL           ships.ShipWes$IJNShohoCVL          2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNZuihoCVL41         ships.ShipWes$IJNZuihoCVL43        2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNZuihoCVL42         ships.ShipWes$IJNZuihoCVL43        2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNZuihoCVL43         ships.ShipWes$IJNZuihoCVL43        2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNZuihoCVL44         ships.ShipWes$IJNZuihoCVL44        2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNRyuhoCVL43         ships.ShipWes$IJNRyuhoCVL43        2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNChitoseCVLwood     ships.ShipWes$IJNChitoseCVLwood    2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNChitoseCVLgreen    ships.ShipWes$IJNChitoseCVLgreen   2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNChiyodaCVLwood     ships.ShipWes$IJNChiyodaCVLwood    2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNChiyodaCVLgreen    ships.ShipWes$IJNChiyodaCVLgreen   2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat
 //IJNCVL2gray           ships.ShipWes$IJNCVL2gray          2 icons/shipDestroyer.mat


Code: [Select]

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNZuihoCVL41

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNZuihoCVL42

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNZuihoCVL43

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNZuihoCVL44

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNRyuhoCVL43

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNChitoseCVLwood

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNChitoseCVLgreen

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNChiyodaCVLwood

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNChiyodaCVLgreen

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipWes$IJNCVL2gray

If you still get an error then save your logfile immediately and post it here.
Look for the first mention of IJNShohoCVL in the logfile and post everything from that point to the end.
Insert in code like this
Code: [Select]
your text inserted here


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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2019, 01:46:15 PM »

Hi asheshouse,

       I'm getting ready to have another go at this using the info you've provided above. You mention installing only the Chiefs and ships. ini and I have a couple of questions about that. Since the first step in the install readme is to copy and paste the ShipWesIJNCVLpack folder to the #SAS game folder but this was not mentioned in your post should I follow Step 1 before taking care of the chiefs and ships.ini or leave it out? You also advise trying to install one ship at a time and show how  to do this in the two examples provided. However, both of these appear to be examples of the two sections of the chiefs.ini Should this also be done for the ships.ini and if so where to put the //? This is especially important for me to understand as the infor in the ships3 is quite lengthy and I could quite easily put something in the wrong place which could cause a crash. I'm assuming the ships.ini has to be isolated in the same manner as the chiefs.ini or the game might try to load the ships3.ini for a ship which would have no chiefs.ini to support it. Any help and clarification you can give would be most gratefully appreciated. If a CTD does occur again I will get a copy of the relevant logfile and post if here for you or attach in a PM.



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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2019, 03:05:36 PM »

Put all of the ShipWes..... folder in#SAS, and put all of the entries in ships.ini
Then enable the chief.ini entries one ship at a time, as previously described in post #64


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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2019, 09:13:24 AM »

Hi asheshouse,

       I'm sorry to keep asking you for help but I'm not very good with ship mods so I have to come to experts like you. I'm going to make another try at installing the IJNCVL pack today, but before I do I need to make sure I have everything straight in my head. There are three add.ships.ini files, add1 add2 and add3. Add1 contains [strength_HullCVLHuge] while add2 contains the [gun_JA127AA_Type89] and add3 the various parts of the ship data. My question here is what to do with add1 and add2, since I have the add1 data line for line correct already in my ships.ini file in the same place, before [strength_HullEnorm], and I have the add2 data line for line correct already in my ships.ini file, but under // Japan, not before //Kirov as stated in the readme. These have probably come from previous ship installs authored by western. Do I install the add1 data anyway below the existing identical entry (logic would say no but I'm not computer savvy) and install the add2 data in the place indicated and have two identical entries in different locations? I tried the install previously without putting in the add1 and add2 data and got a 70% CTD.

       I also wanted to ask if your instructions regarding ship enabling could be done a different way. Rather than installing the entire contents of the add1/add2 chiefs.ini file and then disabling the various parts with //, what would happen for example if I just highlighted the first line in the add1/add2 (IJNShohoCVL ) and copied and pasted that into the chief.ini file by itself? If the game loads without crashing I'd know that the first ship was not causing the problem and I could do the rest of the list one at a time in the same way until completed. If the // method is the preferred method I will stick with that. I just thought that cutting and pasting would be quicker but as I said I am terribly computer illiterate. Do I also need to disable the ship data in add3 the same way as in add1 and add2 and if so where do I put the disabling marks?

       Thanks again for your kind attention. You are very gracious and patient. I know I ask a lot of questions but I am not afraid to speak up as this is the only way IO know how to learn.



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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #68 on: May 22, 2019, 02:54:00 PM »

I should mention that when I did my download I jumped on the first link in the post which was for the BETA33. I haven't tried downloading and installing from the link that says classfiles and ini for 4.10-4.12 so maybe that's my problem. Anyway I look forward to hearing from you.



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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #69 on: May 23, 2019, 03:23:08 PM »

Hello Once Again,

       I think, I hope, I may have figured something out. I went to compare the classfiles in my download to see if they duplicated any included in the dl link for 410-412 as listed on the first post on page one. Imagine my surprise when I opened my ShipWesCVL folder and saw that the next layer underneath only contained a 3do folder with NO classfiles contained underneath. If you open the 3do folder you go to the ship folder list. So apparently the download was released with no classfiles installed, it being assumed that the player would download them link for the game version they were using and install them on their own. If this is the case could someone comment and advise if this is the case and that I should install the classfiles myself? Thanks.



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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #70 on: May 24, 2019, 07:11:46 AM »

The first post with the download links indicates that you need to download the classifies for your appropriate game version yourself....

Do you run a modpack underneath?


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Re: WIP IJN Light Carrier Pack
« Reply #71 on: May 24, 2019, 08:12:04 AM »

Thanks for answering. I don't have a modpack. My game is modded though up to 4.12.2m SAS Modact v 5.3 standards. Hopefully the classfiles additions will make things work for me!

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