I don't use QMBProPal any longer, so I started reworking some to fit stock 4.101m needs. Mostly Stockmaps, as I would like to see first all stock Maps fitted in QMB, of course not an easy task. But I used the Missions from QMBProPal, I held it back as I don't have a clue whose Missions I tweaked. Some I rejected, as they got already released/Norway i.e.
Just some that got in my mind and I finished already based on QMBproPals Missions:
Berlin (completely overhauled, no long or overlapping waypoints, set up new working targets)
Murmansk (here I changed Blue side starting from West and Red from East)
Prohorovka and Kiew I finished myself from scratch, they're in the Download section.
L'vov and Kursk is WIP, begun.
If you want to inspect them, tweak or use, feel free, it's free-work.
Check your PM