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Author Topic: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos  (Read 2600 times)

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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 09:43:17 AM »

These ain't so rude...  ;)
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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2011, 11:28:02 AM »

Whats with all the blanked out swastikas?
EDIT: Disregard, noticed that they are from ebay.de
Never understood why its illegal in Germany. Doesn't make much sense to me.


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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2011, 12:39:09 PM »

Its german law not allow public display of swastikas,but what pisses me most are all those red lines painted over photos or "antique" labels,peoples showing those photos on ebays are dumb thinking im going to print them and sell?.
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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2011, 12:39:32 PM »

Whats with all the blanked out swastikas?
EDIT: Disregard, noticed that they are from ebay.de
Never understood why its illegal in Germany. Doesn't make much sense to me.
I believe that it was part of the new German constitution that the Americans wrote for them.I may be wrong but that's what I recall.


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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2011, 01:25:43 PM »

AFAIK the anti-swastika laws do not apply to historical artifacts which these photos certainly are. They only prohibit production of new Nazi (and other related) insignia such as flags, posters etc, as well as displaying them in public (ie waving the Swastika flag or wearing the armband on the street, making the Nazi salute etc). They can be freely printed in books, magazines and other media as long as it is for scientific/educational purpose and not for political propaganda.

So, these photos actually shouldn't have been blacked out, they don't break any laws...
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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2011, 02:06:43 PM »

if they hadn't do so, there would be plenty of ******** around. also in rumenia, hungary and italy a ban on fascist insignia should have issued, cause as it's widely know "sh/t does always resurface (once dropped in water)" my Humble opinion of course.


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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2011, 02:19:53 PM »

Well by that logic we should have banned the confederate flag, but I assure you the south has not risen again!
I don't mean to try to speak from a moral high horse, but in 99% of cases government repression of free speech isn't a good thing at all, regardless of the reasoning behind it.


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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2011, 02:25:22 PM »

It's generally forbidden by law, but under special circumstances it's allowed under § 86 Abs. 3 StGB.
I worked in the Synagogue-Museum Gröbzig attending the 1st International Youth Camp as an Arts Director.
We had the whole library of WWII ideology and it's after-effects bound in one place. For us it would have been hard to work without the Swastika and it's historical background during our Project.
This had to be constituted under the term Freedom of speech, forbidding completely is stupid and senseless, only leading to more stupidity. For what there is to remember and not to forget, you need sth. real, you can't teach that when it's forbidden.

We learned that in Arts-College, if there's a non-political flavour and it's for pure historical taught, work, science or in the arts, again,and/or to show it's historical content, without any political background, it's allowed.
100% if you're an artist, you have to defend your work and will be asked a bunch of stupid questions and ripped out by Bild-Zeitung or selfmade Antifanten, with this in the head, you think twice if it's a deal to you.
In Illustrations or Gaphics or even paintings I saw it frequently in my recent study and of course in the given and respected way.

Now comes the big German aber/but, Germany has probs till today collecting their past. Denacification is just a thing or the 68's revolts are lying here.
In Typography our Prof got probs because he showed clearly under § 86 Abs. 3 StGB the Fraktur-reform, not having probs with officials or our decanate, but with some stupid parents who insulted in having their rich and mature Kids/students forced to watch a Swastika. Nein?! Katastrophe!!! The Prof said and ended he never had probs showing this presentation the last 20yrs, until now. He was very upset, but still, my Semester had too many fresh-from school girls, still virgins physically and psychical, sharing a naive way of thinking, whose book consume never went beyond Wendy or Bravo, the rate is almost growing horribly.
I got accused to be a Nazi too, because I showed Eastern German Street-Signs in Fraktur, the so called Nazi-Typeface in the stupids language. We came to conclusion that it's a prob from the divided Germanys, my Prof learned in Leipzig at the Academy, a very etablished Typo course, where Fraktur was a common lesson for hundreds of years. He learned in the East we have a sort of different way of dealing towards Fraktur use, as in Western Germany. Sth. more less political. He could say that cause he learned in Heidelberg too, and Fraktur in the West Academies was not taught after '45, only in very small circles.

Two Semesters later that (very rude word for a female pile of cells) I had again in a fine arts course, that ::) who accused my Typography Prof. She made a series of Photoshopped Pics showing words. One of her idea was:
"Arbeit macht frei"
Volltreffer, a shure shot.

I would say 80% of the Swastika hysteria here in this country is made by persons not eligible a higher education or having ever heard of Paragraphs allowing Swastikas in special situations, if it's not in a political content, but in historical and reasonable.
You can even access Mein Kampf as a german citizen under a similar Paragraph, in very limited ways, and that's what I support, this limitation for those seeking for ideology or the opposite freaks. What I don't support is the in-official targeting of the Swastika use under the official law we have, like described below and sadly very frequent, these known hunts show a lack of knowledge.
Still, Germany will have probs with that, why? Because everybody who has ADHS can publish books, make waves and with a school- and pedagogical system like that, you can't deal with a past like ours. 
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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2011, 02:32:33 PM »

Logic and history are rarely compatible.


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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2011, 02:48:16 PM »

Well Knochenlutscher sounds like you have a similar problem to what we have here-ideological, emotionally motivated retards who have thrown away objectiveness or logic (called democrats here) trying to make life hell for everyone else under the banner of political correctness. I cant believe that someone would actually consider a type of script as an indicator of political leanings.
Thanks for the explanation.
Oh and I'm with you on Mein Kampf, I only made it to page 42 before I just couldn't read anymore! And to think that its the result of extensive revision. Imagine how bad the first version was!


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Re: Luftwaffe Ruder markings photos
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2011, 03:02:56 AM »

sounds like you have a similar problem to what we have here-ideological, emotionally motivated retards who have thrown away objectiveness or logic

Sounds more like the "Tea Party" to me. As we all know, politicians using anger and fear in their rhetoric to target others are always a good idea (history has never shown that to be a problem  ;D). Throw in a lack of historical knowledge, a disregard for others, and a frightening tendency to politicize every issue that comes along, and you get a government run by kindergartners. I should know, I live in Rep. Michele Bachmann's district. The only reason nutjobs like her get re-elected are because people are afraid they'll lose more of their money in taxes :P.

Sorry to the OP for continuing the off-topic theme, but I was just thinking about ignorant asshole politicians when I saw the post above.
@ CWMV: I won't defend the Democrats, and I won't assume you're necessarily a Republican, but really? No party in the US uses logic and especially objectiveness  ;D!
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