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Author Topic: I know this is a wierd request, but it is connected to a true mission...  (Read 2014 times)

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  • Tamago no Chie
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I have a genuine mission of mercy (mine) for an enterprising and kind personality,

who lives in/near Kanton Arrau or the closest geographically (near Northern Switzerland & Waldshut-Tiengen area of southern Germany) and be willing to help,

I managed to miss send a 80th birthday card late for my fathers (step-father) birthday party, living around the Brugg area in Switzerland.

I need a card posted or delivered with "Happy Birthday Ole, Lots of skal's & love from Lewis" writtem in it.
http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=brugg&psj=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1225&bih=531&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl  <<-- that lik is just to show a map centre within Europe of Brugg.

I have allready sent a one this afternoon, but I want to try and get one for the guests brithday card table at his party this weekend if possible or someone can help as I'm stuck in the UK.

My late card doesn't arrive until after Tuesday or Wednesday.

I can provide some sort of compensation for tha card & postage or petrol with proof.

I've tried search in in google earth around brugg for birthday card shops, but the only one I can find, doesn't have a phone number listing or email/webpage.

Can any one help? I shouldn't imagine the card and writting it would cost less than £5, €7, 10;- CHF plus a effort fee.

I am being serious, and this is a serious request. PM me or post.

If any mods choose to delete, edit or alter this, at there bidding, I accept it..


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you're right, it's a bit weird -  i guess - but not too weird for us SAS folk.
the really weird bit is why you decided to post this in missions request board, where it's not going to be seen soon by as many people as in, say, the Lounge.
i'm moving it for you, ok?  :)
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Hilfe Mord, mein Holzbein juckt, mein Blechbauch macht Musike!
A lil late my friend. I would even had 10CHF here and it's just close for dinner break at Swiss offices. They are crazy and having a real ball around this time, try to pass swiss boarder around dinner, it can't be easier, the customs doing nothing.
My Cousin recently moved from Aarau to Lausanne, though he works in Fribourg and to my knowledge has no Internet yet. It can't be worser. Even if he would lived in Aarau for now, he's at work in the emergency room.

Have you searched for the Swiss postal services online, I know in Germany such fast impossible tasks are possible, so it should be even in Switzerland and for you a UK-Resident. And I know they're much weirdo than Germans, in a positive way.
Locations and
opening hours
for Tel. etc.
some have Houseservice

Call them on the phone and get a human callagent on that phone whom you say what your problem is.
To all the bad it's Saturday, hopefully one postal Men will go on the phone.
Say you need to get in contact with the Brugg or at least the nearest accessable Postal offices for that small but for you very important task, your father 80 and you must work this weekend, so can't attend his Birthday. You need to flunker a bit, german for lying, it's an emergency lie. Press the tears and go them on the nerves. If they have a heart they think about it. You'll pay for it, you have no other relatives in that area to help you out. Sth. like that. Must be a tragic dilemma and they're the only ones to help you, that's gratitude for the most. Understand?
At least you have money, they'll say Yes or No, remember swiss office times and Weekend, worse as it can be.
It's worth a try, I wish you luck my friend
10 minutes Mate, it's not UK or Germany
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


  • Tamago no Chie
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I know Brugg and Oerlikon 'am/aus Zurich' very well, spent about 5 weeks a year between 92' - 97' there. I only learned swiss/german on holiday.
My 2 years living in Nurmijarvi, Finland, replced those lot of the 'immediatem thinking/translation/words I used to knew in Deutch with Suomen kieli ja mina hyyva Suomen aika, mutta nyt haista peini paska. ...Finnish speach and my good time in Finland, but now time smells like small shit.
Anteeksi Suomilainen, ma' en sano Suomen aika on paska ummaratka?, mutta mina en teidot minun 'instant' Saksa kirje ja keil teidan/aivot. Perkele!

Cheers so far K, ich ruacher im mein zimmer, I habe been skiifaren, drinken, und habe played crazy-golf im der Schwietz many times. vielen danke fur alles mien freunds (freunden?) so far

I will see if I can phone/telefunken/puhulin..... Die uber, dei hosenbugler auf cool, der 'Schwietzer Post'


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 :P :P

Woah, duuuuude, pass the weed! that was funky as hell! 8)  ;D


  • Tamago no Chie
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Cheers, I think... weed?? me?? only if I'm offered some...
Anyways, got intouch with SP, I wasn't able to get anything sorted as such. but did have a good chat about the possiblity of the internet services provded by SP, in switzerland - got an older postmistress. So my hopes were dashed, but its not so bad.
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