"... where can I download AAAv1.2 Modpack puleez?"
Yea, bro... i have red stuff like this too... half smile, half crying...
A lot of people think modding is a thing as easy as the bought product
That is one of the very few things i realized ages ago.
maybe people complaining need to remember?
All of this, the AAA, the AAS, the HSFX, the russian dudes doing their thing, the SAS was never meant to be.
Oleg and the crew worked hard to prevent all of todays modding... about a dozen years back.
This isnt FSX or CFS or strike fighters.
Maybe that is where my own frustration comes from: people do not realize that sometime in the past, someone, has found a way "in".
Their names i dont know (Qtim comes to mind, teach me the others.). They and their Friends created tools, for others to work with, and so it all began.
The result is that the noobs of today, at least to my feeling... are swarming the forums and are sometimes like, dare i say, disrespectful, unpatient, ingrate customers, not knowing what they are talking about.
This just can't be helped and I believe neither forcing individual modding nor modpacks could have avoided the current situation we have due to the 4.101 patch.
Yes - i have seen this sort of rapture, this splitting... 4,09 not living along with 4,101. Neither on peoples HDD, nor in this place, that i think of a mixture between Bar and Workshop.
But is this , like, saying: the official updates ruined our work? I believe such a train of thought leads us nowhere.
From my perspective, modpacks with sfs is about the only way these days to get a handlable mod "base" installation if you don't want minutes and minutes of loading time.
also: Modpacks bring a common ground in maps and objects and planesets.
thats what i am saying... establish a common ground. A base that the community can work off.
Therea re already 1000s of objects - why even more reskins of hangars??? or that special PTO hut i will never see because I dogfight at 5000 meters?
Grey wolves expansion, back then, had one gigabyte of Data.
Friday, at work, i had to
ABuse the work network for 12 hours to grab my copy of UP3RC. 6 point 2 GB of Files. Mindblowing. No shit sherlock.
This confuses me. The amount of content created is staggering. I would dare saying that the community creates more content, based on the games tools and features, than any official Modding/Updating group can ever do.
and the quality... you seen asheshouse doing his thing with the ships? fook me!
But, taking a look at the future:
I do not mind more content. as long as it makes sense, well done, is used more than once, and compatible... i am going to download 10 GB of data. How i dont know, but i will. Its just too addicting.
to each his own I guess.
combined with
I live by the golden rule: "Modding at my own risk"
if that were my stance... i would refuse to help people, completely giving up the "modding is good" attitude.
I cant do much but read and think, give hints and tips, but i would stop doing even that...
but when making a campaign based on mods I want to tell the users what they have to have in order to play it and pardon me - I cannot recall each mod or objectpack I installed months (or years) ago!
It is far more easier to tell them: this was made on UP xy and if you have that as a base you will be fine to play it.
again, +1 for modpacks as a base for modding.
this allows the maps to be populated with missions and campaigns and see use.
also this keeps a whole scene alive when you get new playable input and know that it will work in your game.
i stopped adding mods to my game, like, a year ago... just because i realized that, what campaigns i had created yould be used by... half a dozen people, because the planeset and mods requirement was not based on a simple modpack. UP didnt have what was needed. the user had to add stuff.
and the user would FAIL adding that stuff. he would get errors... and then mail me because he needed help.
and i would not understand what he wanted me to do, venting his frustration and his anger , and in the same sentence requesting instructions and help, and please fix the error...
and i would be unable to help him.
and the whole Campaign i wrote.... for nada. waste of time. just because he did not have the Ju-87C...
in short, again that is whey i am, like, "promoting" this idea today - developping mods FOR modpacks, instead of mods based on 4,09/4,10 that lead to incompatibilities and busted installs, troubleshooting on the forum, a lot of calls.
a casual computer noob who likes to click all exe within reach can't handle this and ends up posting stuff like "help me!!!! i installed a mod, but izz noz wurking dammit!!"
i have seen a bunch of those over the last month. personally speaking, these people are not worth my effort, because they
-do not read a readme
-use beta mods and then come complaing
-cannot distinguish 4,09 from 4,10
-cannot report their problems in a comprehensible way
-are too young to use the internet
-other bull...
Modpacks for the win. No more messing around with files for me. More power to the Modding teams.
And monday evening, i will copy my 4,101 game folder, install the UP3RC, and over a cuppa coffee, read the entire UP3 readme.
That i have printed out at work.
Thx Boss.