Awesome Idea.
A few pointers:
Have the competition in the Screenshots board
Limit entries to one screen per member
Provide parameters for the size and dimentions of the picture, or you will be overwhelmed with 4MB posters.
Have a set deadline for entries
Pick a theme per competition, and have regular competitions.
i also put a POLL up but i guess josse moved it but now i cant find it so i dont know how many votes it got.
In Modact 3 there is an option to take screenshots in either jpg, or tga. TGA is much higher quality. Members can extrapolate these mods to their UP3 or HSFX installs also. DBW which will be out later will have it already.
Let me know if youre interested in being the game-master for such competitions, and we'll give you a hand.
yUp exactly, or maybe you could put it in the factory thread. get it more noticed

the screens would be like 800x600
Each contest will have a different theme that you have to follow. EX : Winter Morning Arrival, ring of fire. for plane Heavy bombers, Light fighters, float planes etc.
1. Image size needs to be 800x600 (use any program. ex: photobucket, imgshack)
2. Don't vote your own Screenshot and don't use images found on the internet
3. You will have a time-line of 15 or somedays days to upload your Screenshots, then voting will start
limited editing would defiantly allow cropping and basic colour