I've now drawn all the roads onto map_t using the ed map as a guide, trouble with doing things that way is you can end up getting the roads in some rather strange places. Also they need to be only 1 pixel or you get some rather strange looking roads.
Anyway I've gone through my layer and adjusted where necessary along each road to make sure only one pix is there, it cleaned things up quite a lot, but my was it tedious, some still need adjusting but I'll do that with the map loaded.
Here is a valley just along from Dien Bien Phu, the position of the original drawn roads is illustrated by the arrows, even after drawing things in it was still necessary to re-position the roads as can be seen. I've also needed to go along the valleys with the blur tool to try and get things looking a little better. Map making can be so painfully tedious
The airfield at Dien Bien Phu using the same textures as on my South Vietnam map.
Thats all for the moment, real life seems to keep getting in the way of progress at the moment, but I'll get there eventually, I hope.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.