Hello all, for a long time I've been intending to have a go at making a few changes to this lovely map in order to update a campaign I did long ago on the Thailand map portraying the events of the Lang Son incident between the japanese and French colonial forces during the 1940's.
Today I took the first steps by adding the river course at Lang Son which wasn't included when the map was released by Agracier and CzechTexan .
I downloaded the map from this thread rather than extract it from the sfs files in DBW so the changes Boomer has requested to the ed maps will have almost certainly have been done to the map in DBW but I've indexed then anyway because this will eventually be uploaded for installation in MapMods.
I'm not sure quite how much I will do to the map, the priority being Lang Son and the roads and rail around it. I also need to add an airfield that was used by the Potez 25's, however, information concerning that is non existant from searches I've made up to now.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.