ok so I wnat to make this my background, what do I do?
Haven't done this one yet. but have several like it ready to use...
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16511.msg177348.html#msg177348How to make? - The Loadscreen is resident in STD/GUI, usually called Background.tga, alondside an associated .mat file. Anyone can take the tga and modify with paintshop, illustrator etc.
Beware though, ALWAYS BACK UP.
The older graphics structure of IL2 requires a bit of tinkering with the resolution and format of your image, re-saving the tga file in the right proportions and resolution that works with your graphics card settings. It doesn't always show up as intended first time, or defaults to the basic blah-image instead. No problem if you backed up though...
A number of people have show-cased some excellent Start-up Screens and images here. The tremendous amount of work and skill required to get them to this quality inside the sim has been somewhat skated over. Like anything else here, practice, practice, practice!