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Author Topic: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7  (Read 145943 times)

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You only have to bother on two counts,

you actually have the B-26 v2 installed, or will install it at some point (I still had the original... shame on me... but it's not 1940...) but we'll all install it eventually...

you downloaded the first version before I updated the files

If you're not sure simplest would be to just download again so you know you have the updated version, fixes both 346 and 347 B-26 loadouts (thanks to 78thFG_WindWpn who provided the data) and fixes the timetable for the Poland campaign too. Just overwrite all the old files with the new download and you're in the clear.

You can open all of these in notepad, but it can be helpful to have a better editor that shows all the spaces, and has a proper undo function too.
Copying and pasting the B-26 line into class.dcg should be pretty straightforward, but do remember to ensure there is no empty line break at the end of the file, otherwise DCG screws up seriously.


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I downloaded it but I'm afraid to install because I'll just mess it up. lol


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Awesome. I got the B-26 running good. No explosions on spawn anymore but for some reason, I still cant play 3rd party campaigns. I think it's still something to do with 1.7.1. All the 3rd party campaigns i used to play, I can no longer play like Solomons and Coral sea. I have to just generate a campaign. Sucks but I'm having fun anyways. Maybe this will work itself out I hope. I have everything done correctly like choosing DCG optional 3rd party folder but still i click the green launch button and nothin. lol.


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Slowburn68 - isn't it included in wind's easy install jsgme planes pack (if it's still available)?
An add-on jsgme planes pack with the DCG data included would be handy, but requires a standard DCG install location, so everyone would have to put it in the same place, although why not actually? Would make things easier. The whole thing could then be simply enabled in jsgme and everything would be there, but would be a much bigger download of course. IL2_Folder/IL2DCG would seem the obvious choice...

Chaney, you did enable "offline career generator" & "replace career generator (DGen)" under the Modes menu?
Just tried the Solomons campaign as USN fighter/T-bomber, generating from inside IL2, and works fine. Do you mean the "Start" or "Generate" button?


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Slink,I really like to thank you for your work.Guys like you,and the Campaign builders keeps this DCG thing alive.

Carry on mate.  8)


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Awesome. I got the B-26 running good. No explosions on spawn anymore but for some reason, I still cant play 3rd party campaigns. I think it's still something to do with 1.7.1. All the 3rd party campaigns i used to play, I can no longer play like Solomons and Coral sea. I have to just generate a campaign. Sucks but I'm having fun anyways. Maybe this will work itself out I hope. I have everything done correctly like choosing DCG optional 3rd party folder but still i click the green launch button and nothin. lol.

Hey Chaney!

did you try out the updated Darwin DCG campaign?  Should work with DCG 3.4.7.  I also updated Lonestars Coral Sea for personal use (have not checked in for permission to release yet).  Basically the only thing required is to create a class and payloads dcg file for the custom campaign respective to the planes flown in the campaign (these can be derived from the timeline.dcg.  Grab yourself Notepad++ for editing dcg, mis, rds, etc files.  It maintains all relevant spacing and works very well for working with dcg files directly.  Allpayloads and squadids can be pulled from the master set and thus not needed in the custom campaign directory.

All in all, fun times!




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I believe Lonestar's third-party Pacific campaigns were all updated for DBW1.6 + DCG3.46.(which I'm still using)  I'm wondering the advantage of DBW1.7.1 + DCG3.47. It seems like a lot of work (I mean all the campaign updating) for something that will last until the next DBW (weeks maybe?) changes everything again.

I was thinking of updating an old third-party campaign myself (with permission) but if it will be rendered obsolete with the next update, why bother ?

I love all the improvements that UP and DBW and all the other modders bring to the game, but as a fan of dynamic off-line campaigns I'm wondering if potential campaign creators are put off by the rapid changes. Is DBW1.7.1 loadout and DCG3.47 supposed to be around for a while?


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I believe Lonestar's third-party Pacific campaigns were all updated for DBW1.6 + DCG3.46.(which I'm still using)  I'm wondering the advantage of DBW1.7.1 + DCG3.47. It seems like a lot of work (I mean all the campaign updating) for something that will last until the next DBW (weeks maybe?) changes everything again.

I was thinking of updating an old third-party campaign myself (with permission) but if it will be rendered obsolete with the next update, why bother ?

I love all the improvements that UP and DBW and all the other modders bring to the game, but as a fan of dynamic off-line campaigns I'm wondering if potential campaign creators are put off by the rapid changes. Is DBW1.7.1 loadout and DCG3.47 supposed to be around for a while?

The update process is really not that bad.  It boils down to the class.dcg, payloads.dcg, and timeline.dcg files.  Also the master .mis files will need to be checked.  1.7.1 reduced the plane set so the primary thing to look for is correct aircraft calls within the respective campaign files.  In most cases there is a set of planes which is usually quite easy to track (rarely more then 10 planes called up in a given campaign).  Once the planes are verified, the next its payloads.  Allpayloads should be good to go in the main DCG /data/ folder per Slink's work.  A custom class and payloads.dcg file will be necessary for the given 3rd party campaign for only the planes used in that campaign arena.  With 3.47 the main change with payload is the move from 20 to 40 character set for loadouts, and this has to be fixed for any custom campaign originally coming from 3.46.  Easy work though given Slink's starting point and most importantly, the Allpayloads.dcg update.

Squadids.dcg may cause issue, but again this is fairly tight as respective to the plane set for a given campaign arena.   Still experiencing exploding aircraft, check the java console and if squad id related, use FMB for the plane/country to identify a working squad id in DBW 1.7.1.

All in all, once you know what to look for, its quite easy to successfully update a campaign to run in DBW 1.7.1 and DCG 3.47.  Slink's work is key to this ease effort, especially with plane loadouts (allpayloads.dcg), however, luckily there is no need to touch the original campaign routes or map related files.  The mis files may need some tweaks, but it depends upon how the original campaign was built and how the mis vs. timeline files were used as the source for generating campaign missions.

A key new feature of DCG 3.47 is support for 40 char loadout strings.  A lot of new planes include these long strings (such as the AD4) therefore, certain loadouts would not function in 3.46. 

As we move forward, old DCG campaigns will need to be updated to verify plane sets and loadouts, but luckily the process is not too difficult.  In fact, it is quite easy and if done correctly, actually improves the custom campaign code base from the DCG perspective since all the plane data not included in the campaign is stripped out (at least that is how I do my updates).

Additionally statics can be checked as is often the case, a "generic" may be called in an original campaign where in the latest DBW, the given object may have a designated representation.

All in all, it is definitely worthwhile to update DCG campaigns out there, especially great ones such as Lonestar's collection!




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Semor, thanks mate, greatly appreciated,

Chaney and tanda

Yes, updated by me a while back, http://www.datafilehost.com/download-b3a78049.html
original post a couple of pages back under "Lonestar's DCG Pacific Campaigns for DBW1.6 - Download"

but as tanda points out these are for DCG3.46/DBW1.6

so I'll redo them for DBW1.7.1, just hang on a bit Chaney, no editing required, don't panic...

Also made a basic planes collection for anyone not comfortable with installing, just the classics and 411 planes is a gigabyte, which I can squeeze down to around a hundred megs, so how much can people download? Full pack is 3 gigs, which is overdoing it, especially in jsgme.

(Although with TotalMODder this is not a problem, all mods are static, loaded in any combination through simple profiles like DBW clean, modded, ETO, PTO, CoE, whatever you like, all on a clear and simple control panel, even lets you choose a different look... Only skins and campaigns actually need to use jsgme, it's so elegantly efficient and easy I love it, thanks again Pablo)

Is it all worthwhile? Sure, DBW may well expand but shouldn't contract, so anything in an updated campaign for 1.7.1 should also work for 1.8 (in theory...). There may just be some extra goodies to include in future campaign updates, actually positive for builders, so once the basic upgrade from UP2/HSFX is done (the grind, depends on which campaign...) we get to play with some new toys (the fun). Updating a campaign now means only having to do a bit of tweaking later if you want to include something new, and 1.8 doesn't seem likely to appear for a while yet anyway, but will bring loads of 411 goodies, and DCG3.47 is still a beta so we're ahead of the game a bit actually, next will come with 4.12..., so if you're keen go ahead tanda, nothing will be wasted, just ask if you need any help.

Wind, LOL, I never thought I'd hear moving forward outside of a meeting, don't do that to me...  :P


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Awesome. I got the B-26 running good. No explosions on spawn anymore but for some reason, I still cant play 3rd party campaigns. I think it's still something to do with 1.7.1. All the 3rd party campaigns i used to play, I can no longer play like Solomons and Coral sea. I have to just generate a campaign. Sucks but I'm having fun anyways. Maybe this will work itself out I hope. I have everything done correctly like choosing DCG optional 3rd party folder but still i click the green launch button and nothin. lol.

Hey Chaney!

did you try out the updated Darwin DCG campaign?  Should work with DCG 3.4.7.  I also updated Lonestars Coral Sea for personal use (have not checked in for permission to release yet).  Basically the only thing required is to create a class and payloads dcg file for the custom campaign respective to the planes flown in the campaign (these can be derived from the timeline.dcg.  Grab yourself Notepad++ for editing dcg, mis, rds, etc files.  It maintains all relevant spacing and works very well for working with dcg files directly.  Allpayloads and squadids can be pulled from the master set and thus not needed in the custom campaign directory.

All in all, fun times!



Yes your campaign is awesome. Thanks a ton.

Hey Slink, I think I figured out my issue which still seems odd because I never had to actually go into each campaign folder in IL2DCG to select "allcampaigns".  I have to do that for each campaign I wish to run. I used to have it already come up when I clicked on "Select DCG Campaign Folder" . I thought it worked for every campaign by default or something lol. Well at any rate, my campaigns are back up and running. Having a blast again. Thanks guys.


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Ah, yes indeed Chaney, Lonestar originally made them all as separate campaigns, I just put all the updated campaigns together in one download.

However, the entire series (except the Aleutian campaign, which runs at the same time as Midway) is coming out as a combined single grand campaign you can play from 1942 to 1945, along with required planes already pre-installed so everything is set up ready to go.

Just needs a couple of bugs ironing out and some timetable tweaks and you'll be able to simply install, play all the way through, and then take it all out again afterwards, just like in CoE.


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Do the new files fix Normandy or is it still a no go?
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