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Author Topic: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7  (Read 145877 times)

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So, got it.
Edit the P-38J entry in class.dcg (you can edit entries directly in the DCG control panel, or notepad will do)

Change the end date to a month or two later:

P_38J                          P-38J Lightning                     us 1 4 1 194308 194408 P_38J15LO                      P-38J                               none                           7620 Meters 318.00 kph  Default     531.00 kph 

On the planes panel change the update entry from the old P-38J which was removed from DBW to the J-15-LO, which is still there.

The old date, 194406, was precisely the point where the campaign starts, and the squad using this plane was then without an assigned aircraft as DCG was looking for an update which no longer exists.
All my mistake, will have to blank and redo all the upgrades/downgrades as I clearly missed that one and they can be more important than it seems apparently, though this one is quite a coincidence...
Still, solved, will go in the next update along with some other tweaks.


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Looking forward to the next update. Wish I knew more than diddly about class files, and could be more help than just "This dont work" lol.

Also hoping some more 3rd party campaigns start coming out for DCG/DBW.


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working on it, but there's a lot of up and downgrades to get through... thought of downgrading two places, so you really do fly an earlier type, or swapping types completely on downgrade say from 190s to 109s so it's not strictly linear, but maybe I should just keep it simple...


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Paul Lowengrin has released a new version of the 3.47 beta!

"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Nice. Thank you!
Will have a look.



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Just wanted to say a bit THANK YOU! to Slinkster for your work on this.  All you DBW wizards make this mod that much more fun.


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Thanks Whacker, we all do our best!

Big update in the pipeline, lots of bugfixes and some more on top...


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I know,you are very busy at the moment,but...

I´ve found a strange bug 3.47 beta 3, seems like DCG didn´t find the dynamic weather object anymore  ???  ???
I can place the object in the FMB and it shows up in the masters section like normal,but when I create a campaign and make a re-check in the DCG MIS-file,the object dosen´t  appear.
The same goes from time to time for the random planes. I tested this for different nations in different scenarios,but it´s always the same. hmmmm,very strange. Maybe the problem is the new weather section that comes with the 3.47 ?


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Oh god yes I am, just seen the upcoming stuff Anto presented; anyone for DCG WWI? Maybe! Have to check it out... later... not now... but maybe...

Semor, sounds like a bug report for Paul, but check first, he said off the top of his head, whether it's not disappearing over the front line like I made the stormfronts behave in CoE. If it's red then it won't appear on the blue side and vice-versa. It's red by default so can simply go in a red corner, or make it none so it can go anywhere (possible? Have to look again), but that's my first guess. Have to check that one. The new settings in DCG only affect wind, so shouldn't be a problem there. Check in the campaign files to see if it's in the campaign, mission files only show what's in that mission, or look on the control panel under column and static objects, there's a list box at the bottom showing everything in the campaign and it's active/inactive status, but put the weather object at the top of the master template first (and regenerate) to avoid having to scroll through the list to find it...

Random planes? You mean stationary planes at airfields? They don't always appear, DCG actually checks if any planes are at that airfield (not in flight) and which squad/type, and will also deduct any destroyed, in proportion, from the squads on the ground at that airfield... smart stuff...
Of course if there is no static plane object then you can't show them... putting some into the DCG expansion pack right now thanks to Epervier... Equally reducing objects density will also reduce the number of static plane objects.. or did you mean something else?


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Ok, I check what you said,and look again,and I can not make it "none".so,the weather object stays always red.no matter in wich corner I put it.
I double check the MIS file in the masters section,and like I sayed in my post above,the weather shows correctly,but after the campaign genaration there is nothing in the campaign files,no sweet dynamic weather,nada.the funny thing is,as I look at the stationary objects in the column section in the DCG pannel and.....now it shows up!! but not in the campaign files at all.... this drive me nuts  :P
maybe you´re right and this is really a bug report for Paul,but as you know,unfortunatly his site is down.so,I have to be patient and looking straight forward for your next update surprise.

and the random planes? no,no.sorry for this,yesterday it was late. I mean the vector objects. but these things are luckyly still funktional.



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So it is there, if it shows in the stationary list, but is it active? That was indeed the point, it can only be red, so if you put it on the blue side of the map, or in the middle, DCG may deactivate it like any other red object on the wrong side of the front line. Try putting on the far red side where it won't cross the line. Actually I think I did this one myself once when I was making CoE...


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so..here it is,the final battle report...
after hours and hours of testing the feeling is that DCG have a little bug with the singapore2 MIS file. because in all other pacific files like burma,wake,okinawa,etc, the weather object works fine so far.I don´t know whats the cause is,and I can´t find a solution at the moment.
Anyway. Now I have set the weather for all scenarios in the masters list,and I hope it works well so far.

If it´s ok for you slink,and if anyone is intersting,I can upload the modified masters file for DCG 3.47. so that everbody can fly with dynamic weather! It´s a real challange especially with HUD & map icons of when the weather turns bad.  :D

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