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Author Topic: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7  (Read 145882 times)

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Thanks Slink. I was going crazy, and even did a re-install from scratch, trying to figure it out lol.

I think I can just remove that mod until its updated. Shouldnt be too hard.

Again thanks soooo much for the help in solving that!

Ill mess around some more on the escorts tonight and see if I can find it happening more. I noticed it started happening on Murmansk map, when asked to escort some JU-88's to attack a ship, and my flight just flew the waypoints, not staying with them. Then I noticed it again on Lvov escorting some Stukas...same thing. It seems random.


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lokitexas, the collapsing undercarriage comes from the gear damage mod included in Wind's clean jsgme pack.
The gd mod itself has some problems, CrazyFlak is updating it I believe, but it can be made to work if it comes after the XTD folder in #DBW, so all the standard classes override those in the mod, and then it seems to work fine (had it working without problems for, well a long time, when did it come out?). The problem is that the clean jsgme pack is designed to come as the first mod in #DBW, which is the opposite of what's needed to make gd work.

A workaround is to rename your XTD folder to !XTD, (note !) which will make it come first in the list, so the clean jsgme pack should then come second, and all the classes should now be overridden as required. This shouldn't affect any ini files needed in clean jsgme so it should make no difference to the working of the pack. Try it and tell me if it works or I'm just ranting on again...

Yes, I have confirmed the issue with the JU-88 A series and conflict with the Landing Gear Damage Mod.  I have got around the issue by changing to the JU-88 C Series for anywhere that an A Series was called in DCG Squadrons panel.  Though, if I can identify the specific class in the mod which is defective for the A-series, I/users can delete it and keep the mod active (since it does work well for all other planes).  So far this is the only plane series (JU-88 A variants) which is defective.

Of course, if anyone finds issues with any other planes, let me know.  If more are known, I can likely try a few different techniques to identify the bad class files, and remove them from the LGD mod.

UPDATE:  Defective Class Found:
Please delete the following class found in the LGD mod included in the #DBW_MOD_Aircraft pack  "_0_0GearDamageFX V 1.3"


By deleting this class, the JU-88 A variants will work correctly.  (of course, be sure to disable the Aircraft pack in GME before making this edit)



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Excellent Wind, fast work there mate, thanks! Solved!


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Yes,from me too.Thanks,problem solved.  ;)


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Ok, have a problem. I"m flying DBW 1.71 with the following mods activated:


I'm flying DCG 3.47 (tried with 3.46 as well) with the Poland39 campaign, as the RAF flying the Spitfire Mk 1a.  I keep getting exploding planes on the runway.  Any ideas?
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The #DBW_6dofTrackIR_ClassFiles
#DBW_MOD_Effects don´t harm or effect the way DCG works in your installation.
Have you updated your 3.47 with the actual files from page one?It fixes the loadouts for each plane that causes the exploding planes on the runway.


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I did install the files from page one of this thread.  I assume dragging and dropping the files inside the install folder (the data, paint schemes, etc, into the root dcg folder and overwriting is what is required).  I've never had a problem with the 6dofTrackIR files before, are you suggesting this may be the issue?


Tried disabling the mods, same issue.  Interesting thing is, I click the arming button before I click fly and nothing happens.  Not sure what that's about, but I'm sure it's related.
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Sorry for the late reply.I´m a bit busy with another DCG project...

Ok. personally,I don´t use this 6dofTrackIR..but it sounds really like a mod conflict with any of the mods in your installation.
Try the following: (the "old way")
Disable all mods in your JSGME folder,then do the same with all additional mods (if you have some...)in the DBW folder,by putting a - in front of the folder names.In the end,you have a "clean" DBW game.Now launch IL2 and see if you can get acess to the arming screen and if you can fly a mission.when everything works ok so far,re-enable your mods,one by one,and see who the bad guy is.
I can´t imagine that DCG itself has to do with your bugs.Because it generates only the campaign from outside of IL2,and with Slink´s updates should the nasty Explode bug be solved.
I had a similar issue in the past with Planes exploding in the air,and as far as I can remember,the problem was unfortunatly the Landing gear damage mod.

Hope you can sort it out.  ;)


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Ok, disabled all mods.  Started a new campaign with DCG, same issue.  Started a campaign with the DGEN (not DCG), could fly just fine.  It is definitely something in DCG with the missions that it is creating.
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Strange...maybe I should ask more specific.In which Campaign and plane does this happens? in a stock one,or a 3rd party campaign.try different campaigns with various planes and see if you can reproduce this bug.


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When you have next time exploding aircrafts at mission start, press the "Pause" key and then "shift" + "Tab"!
Some messages will appear but you should look like lines similar as marked in the example below!
Then maybe we can help better!

"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Ok, thank you.  I figured out what the problem was.  I had added my squad, RAF-65, which exists in IL-2 and DBW by default, but which was not included in the original DCG release by Lowengrin.  I added the squad ID to the squadid file using a technique that Lowengrin told me about.  It works fine with the standard DCG, but not with the modified version.  The error I get is a Javascript error saying that Squad RAF-65 does not exist.

  Is there someplace else in the 'new' files that I should add it besides the squadid file?

I'll look and see what I can find as well.
“If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan it properly.”― Nick Lappos
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