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Author Topic: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7  (Read 145744 times)

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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #252 on: April 22, 2012, 04:01:20 AM »

Hallo Lonestar67,

thank you for your help and fast reply !!
I got all !!

And to sa_475th_Chaney:
Since about 11 years I play IL-2; the best CombatFlightS I think.
And with DBW and all the outstanding mods from the memebers here I will leave this world  with this game !!
Now I am  working to play some campaigns with DCG !!



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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #253 on: April 22, 2012, 05:59:02 AM »

Friends, I apologize if this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find a solid answer to this searching the forums.

In short, is it possible to utilize any of the outstanding new maps in a dynamic campaign using DCG and these updated DBW files?  If so, can someone tell me how to go about doing it?  I've got some of DCG figured out running as a dgen replacement and standalone, but that's about it.

Hiya m8. I have used some modded maps and YES they work. 78thFG_windwpn is really good at making mod packs for ummm like EVERYTHING. haha. Try this link and hope you find all you need and want. All you do when it comes time to add a modded map is put it in your #DBW/Mapmods/Maps folder. Then Whammo!!! Hope this helps.

P.S. be aware! This is enormous eye candy!  ;D



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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #254 on: April 22, 2012, 07:39:54 AM »

Slink I am completely lost to your notes for the new classfiles for DCG4DBW. I dont know what your asteriks means next to the notes. Are these planes in the works or should they only be added if you have a mod folder for that plane (not just air.ini)? None of my campaigns (PTO, Lonestar's) are working. They work but my plane in airstart engine isnt even running. I drop to the earth. Non e of my blue planes even generate but 1 hot pink SBD (which is on the blue side). This is for the Solomons campaign and all the other Lonestar one's as well. I have tried everything to troubleshoot this and nothing! I am so confused on your notes. From what I gathered from your notes is that most planes there that aren't in the class.dcg list have to be downloaded. That's a bunch of planes. But if they are AI then i think all they need is entries in air.ini and class.dcg or both. (scratches head). All night I fought this. My campaigns start but they dont work right. I have 3.47beta6 and your latest DCG4DBW from like yesterday. This is my 3rd uninstall/reinstall in the last 2 days. This sucks. Can you or anyone help me? I need some comparison notes so I can at least see what people are running and all mod planes ppl are running in jsgme as well. I'll meet anyone on teamspeak3 as well. Just tell me win. If i dont get my dcg/dbw fix by today, i will get withdrawals and go into detox. lol. 


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #255 on: April 22, 2012, 08:37:06 AM »

Friends, I apologize if this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find a solid answer to this searching the forums.

In short, is it possible to utilize any of the outstanding new maps in a dynamic campaign using DCG and these updated DBW files?  If so, can someone tell me how to go about doing it?  I've got some of DCG figured out running as a dgen replacement and standalone, but that's about it.

Hi whacker!
Here are some documents, that should help to make your own campaigns:
"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #256 on: April 22, 2012, 09:31:07 AM »

Slink I am completely lost to your notes for the new classfiles for DCG4DBW. I dont know what your asteriks means next to the notes. Are these planes in the works or should they only be added if you have a mod folder for that plane (not just air.ini)? None of my campaigns (PTO, Lonestar's) are working. They work but my plane in airstart engine isnt even running. I drop to the earth. Non e of my blue planes even generate but 1 hot pink SBD (which is on the blue side). This is for the Solomons campaign and all the other Lonestar one's as well. I have tried everything to troubleshoot this and nothing! I am so confused on your notes. From what I gathered from your notes is that most planes there that aren't in the class.dcg list have to be downloaded. That's a bunch of planes. But if they are AI then i think all they need is entries in air.ini and class.dcg or both. (scratches head). All night I fought this. My campaigns start but they dont work right. I have 3.47beta6 and your latest DCG4DBW from like yesterday. This is my 3rd uninstall/reinstall in the last 2 days. This sucks. Can you or anyone help me? I need some comparison notes so I can at least see what people are running and all mod planes ppl are running in jsgme as well. I'll meet anyone on teamspeak3 as well. Just tell me win. If i dont get my dcg/dbw fix by today, i will get withdrawals and go into detox. lol.

Ok I talked to Lonestar. All is good. I'm only half crazy haha. I just need to sit back and let you and Lonestar work your magic. My end was good but there was some old campaign classfile conflicts with planes and what not. That was strictly out of my control. Hey I aint at the level where I can change a lot of code. Getting there tho. But I completely understand your notes. I was not reading into it correctly. I refixed all my planes and all was good. I just had a bunch of freakin planes lol. I added some planes I didnt have which I left the asteriks on and well, that didnt work. At any rate, I managed to destroy my game in the process. LMAO. I'll be back in a few days with a fresh copy but like I said, I will wait patiently for all the new changes to get reworked into the 3rd party campaigns. I'm going to try and make a campaign here but I need some people to give me a hand. Japanese attack on Russia. I have a lot of research to do. At any rate, thanks for all your hard work.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #257 on: April 22, 2012, 03:03:39 PM »

Updated download, removed asterisks :'( put the Do17 payloads back in :o filled in jet payloads ;D, changed doc/docx to rtf ;)

sorry Chaney, up to my ears again, and thanks for helping out Lonestar!


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - updated files for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #258 on: April 23, 2012, 08:48:17 AM »

Updated download, removed asterisks :'( put the Do17 payloads back in :o filled in jet payloads ;D, changed doc/docx to rtf ;)

sorry Chaney, up to my ears again, and thanks for helping out Lonestar!

Hehe Slink take all the time you need my friend. If it wasn't for you and Lonestar, a lot of us would be uhhhh well maybe flying online (looks around innocent, hehe). And thanks a ton for reworking that. The good thing about me destroying my game is that I made a fresh workable copy of the vanilla IL2 with DBW current and pasted that bad boy to another harddrive. I aint lettin that happen again lol. I think I will just go with windwpn's packs this time tho. Heck, he has like everything I had minus maybe 2 mods  :P. Big cheers!


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #259 on: April 24, 2012, 04:44:27 PM »

So, two new packs uploaded.

DCG 4 DBW Standard is the usual format updated, but now as a jsgme pack installed through an exe, you only need to have DCG installed at the "standard" location; IL2DBW / IL2DCG, and everything should work automatically.
You can also disable it in jsgme, update DCG, and re-enable, but back up your payloads and class.dcg first if you made any changes.

DCG 4 DBW Mod/Campaign pack is rather larger, including a bunch of mod planes for campaigns and Lonestar's Pacific campaign pack updated to DBW 171 (finally) - original versions only).
This should all work automatically as above, all you need to do is install, enable, select your 3rd party campaign in DCG, start the game and go!

This should hopefully make things a bit easier, and installing campaigns through jsgme allows you to avoid conflicts in your DGEN folder too. New campaigns can be added in, only note that all DGEN files must have unique names, so don't overwrite any when adding a new campaign.

This is the precursor to DCG1946, (+ 36, 56) which will expand into specialised packs designed for playing period DCG campaigns without trying to cover everything possible at the same time... but for now it's time for a break before I write any more confusing garbage...


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #260 on: April 24, 2012, 05:15:47 PM »

I´m speechless... ;D


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #261 on: April 24, 2012, 08:59:30 PM »

So, two new packs uploaded.

DCG 4 DBW Standard is the usual format updated, but now as a jsgme pack installed through an exe, you only need to have DCG installed at the "standard" location; IL2DBW / IL2DCG, and everything should work automatically.
You can also disable it in jsgme, update DCG, and re-enable, but back up your payloads and class.dcg first if you made any changes.

DCG 4 DBW Mod/Campaign pack is rather larger, including a bunch of mod planes for campaigns and Lonestar's Pacific campaign pack updated to DBW 171 (finally) - original versions only).
This should all work automatically as above, all you need to do is install, enable, select your 3rd party campaign in DCG, start the game and go!

This should hopefully make things a bit easier, and installing campaigns through jsgme allows you to avoid conflicts in your DGEN folder too. New campaigns can be added in, only note that all DGEN files must have unique names, so don't overwrite any when adding a new campaign.

This is the precursor to DCG1946, (+ 36, 56) which will expand into specialised packs designed for playing period DCG campaigns without trying to cover everything possible at the same time... but for now it's time for a break before I write any more confusing garbage...

Hahaha Slink I am not worthy lol. We are not worthy but you will probably hate me. please don't sned hitmen out to break my legs lol. You didn't really give any instructions as how to load these. We have 2 instances or files of IL2DCG (one which we create ) and the one that is in your pack. Since your packs didn't come with an executable, I pretty much figured that it ,ost likely wouldnt work. My question is how can we enable the dcg.exe from 3.47beta6 and at the same time we have dcg files enabled in jsgme? I'm not done testing but it seems that would be a conflict. However, I did add your plane files to Windwpn's Airplane pack which helped alot. You just have to delete the skin folders for wellinton, walrus, p-47D-ps, Ki 30-51 in the dcg4dbw mod pack you created to get the pack to load without error. That's only if you do it the way I did. But your idea is awesome. Just not sure how I'm supposed to incorporate it. Waiting to hear back for complete install instructions from 3.47 to your packs. thanks much and when you come to town (if ever) you got free lodging hehe.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #262 on: April 24, 2012, 11:13:00 PM »

Thanks Semor, but this is kind of just a test (actually built for Chaney...), DCG46 is currently 5 gigs...

Chaney, DCG itself is not included as it's still beta, and belongs to Paul, so I'd have to ask, but this way you can update anytime.
Install DCG as usual but to the location specified, [IL2-Install] / IL2DCG, so your DCG folder is inside your IL2 folder and called... IL2DCG... This way it can be accessed by jsgme. The exe file should be pointed to your IL2 install, wherever that is, but the main IL2 install directory. All the files will then be installed into jsgmemods, from where you can enable it and it will overwrite the standard DCG files in the IL2DCG folder you installed earlier. Disable it and you have standard DCG again, which you can update when a new version comes out. You only have to install DCG yourself, at this "standard" location with the standard folder name, and then install the mod pack (to your IL2 folder), and then run jsgme and enable it.

This does only include the mods and an air.ini, so you can indeed add it into Wind's pack as an extension. The skin folders are all empty, just there so DCG recognises the planes...


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #263 on: April 24, 2012, 11:19:14 PM »

Thanks Semor, but this is kind of just a test (actually built for Chaney...), DCG46 is currently 5 gigs...

Chaney, DCG itself is not included as it's still beta, and belongs to Paul, so I'd have to ask, but this way you can update anytime.
Install DCG as usual but to the location specified, [IL2-Install] / IL2DCG, so your DCG folder is inside your IL2 folder and called... IL2DCG... This way it can be accessed by jsgme. The exe file should be pointed to your IL2 install, wherever that is, but the main IL2 install directory. All the files will then be installed into jsgmemods, from where you can enable it and it will overwrite the standard DCG files in the IL2DCG folder you installed earlier. Disable it and you have standard DCG again, which you can update when a new version comes out. You only have to install DCG yourself, at this "standard" location with the standard folder name, and then install the mod pack (to your IL2 folder), and then run jsgme and enable it.

This does only include the mods and an air.ini, so you can indeed add it into Wind's pack as an extension. The skin folders are all empty, just there so DCG recognises the planes...

Awesome. that clears it up completely sir. I feel so bad that you made this just for me.  :( . I mean I hope other people find this very useful. It will help a ton with later campaign builders and testers. What you did here is remarkable Slink. complete brilliant. Yeah I had the dcg installed outside of IL2 so that makes complete sense. This is a fine piece of work here. It's sad but I'm not sure Paul understands the magnitude of what SAS and you guys are doing to make DCG a complete masterpiece. I guarantee that this new pack will be the standard for months to come. Thanks again my friend.
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