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Author Topic: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7  (Read 145735 times)

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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #264 on: April 25, 2012, 09:31:50 AM »

I have an unusual DCG issue that appears to have begun with the 3.47 beta and was wondering if anyone else has seen it. If I create a campaign using a lower rank, such as Pilot Offficer, I may quickly lead my flight ahead of other AI pilots with much higher ranks.

In general, pilots seem to be assigned positions in the flight randonly rather than according to rank.

I don't know if this is uique to my install, or perhaps something to be resolved in the beta version.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #265 on: April 25, 2012, 11:02:12 AM »

o boy. Well thanks all for your help. Here I am again and now nothing is working on the DCG end. I think I will go back to stock DCG and leave it at that. I havent flown now in the last several days and it's really annoying. I'm probably just not cut out for this. Being ex military I always like instructions that are precise and complete. Seems that to enjoy the 3rd party stuff, you need to have a lot of prior knowledge and I thought I was good to go. I'm uninstall everything and just going to just run basic DCG and maybe that wont work as well lol. If I run into anymore issues, well, that would be my que to probably find a different game to play even tho it's not what I want. I really appreciate what you all are trying to do here. I just feel that there isn't a workable way to explain installs here that are easy enough that a baby could do it lol. There is a lot of beta stuff here so i believe that makes it frustrating and difficult for the average joe to understand how this all works. I'm not happy but then again I feel a lot of stress is lifted off me because I'm leaving this battle. Can't win em all hehe. Maybe one day, things may be easier but I'm not going to fill up these forums with my posts because seems like I'm the only one having such a difficult time. It's not fair to everyone else. Slink you have done a good job and your patience with me is immeasurable. Same goes for you too Lonestar and Windwpn. I'm just tired and exhausted. I want to have fun so I'm done with 3rd party. I'll check here time to time for updates to DCG4DBW but no need to even respond to this. Thanks again guys and God bless.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #266 on: April 25, 2012, 11:47:57 AM »

o boy. Well thanks all for your help. Here I am again and now nothing is working on the DCG end. I think I will go back to stock DCG and leave it at that. I havent flown now in the last several days and it's really annoying. I'm probably just not cut out for this. Being ex military I always like instructions that are precise and complete. Seems that to enjoy the 3rd party stuff, you need to have a lot of prior knowledge and I thought I was good to go. I'm uninstall everything and just going to just run basic DCG and maybe that wont work as well lol. If I run into anymore issues, well, that would be my que to probably find a different game to play even tho it's not what I want. I really appreciate what you all are trying to do here. I just feel that there isn't a workable way to explain installs here that are easy enough that a baby could do it lol. There is a lot of beta stuff here so i believe that makes it frustrating and difficult for the average joe to understand how this all works. I'm not happy but then again I feel a lot of stress is lifted off me because I'm leaving this battle. Can't win em all hehe. Maybe one day, things may be easier but I'm not going to fill up these forums with my posts because seems like I'm the only one having such a difficult time. It's not fair to everyone else. Slink you have done a good job and your patience with me is immeasurable. Same goes for you too Lonestar and Windwpn. I'm just tired and exhausted. I want to have fun so I'm done with 3rd party. I'll check here time to time for updates to DCG4DBW but no need to even respond to this. Thanks again guys and God bless.

I'll look for you on WoP TS Chaney and get you hooked up.  I am sure you can be flying over any of the number of custom DCG campaigns soon!


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #267 on: April 26, 2012, 08:32:59 AM »

I have an unusual DCG issue that appears to have begun with the 3.47 beta and was wondering if anyone else has seen it. If I create a campaign using a lower rank, such as Pilot Offficer, I may quickly lead my flight ahead of other AI pilots with much higher ranks.

If you have Squadron Management checked, the flight order starts with your player (regardless of rank) and then highest to lowest rank. You can set whatever flight order you like on the Squadron Editor panel.

Not sure if it was always like this, but this works well.



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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #268 on: April 26, 2012, 09:54:10 AM »

Thanks Tanda; I will give that a try.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #269 on: April 28, 2012, 04:59:56 AM »

Guys,I think I need help!!!!  ???

Here is the situation: this morning I make a small test and copied my DCG 3.47 folder into the IL-2 main game folder to get acess via JSGME. so far,so good, but as I try to start DCG I get a very strange error message..(you can see it in the screenshot!) and to copy the whole process back dosen´t help,This error message stay´s on my screen.I try to delite DCG and install a fresh version...no luck  :-X

I´m completly lost in space....


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #270 on: April 28, 2012, 03:07:07 PM »

yes, I am getting this too, though it does not seem to affect DCG.  I have the latest beta of dcg.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #271 on: April 28, 2012, 07:21:52 PM »

Hi WindWpn

you have the same problem? ok..I´m talkin with Lonestar via pm´s,we both speak german and this make´s a bit easyer.If we find a solution,I post it ASAP!


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #272 on: April 28, 2012, 07:45:06 PM »

I also get the same message (DCG 3.47beta6). I also just close it - and DCG functions fine.



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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #273 on: April 28, 2012, 07:51:52 PM »

oookay....You too? this is very strange,and absolutley NOT normal ???


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #274 on: April 28, 2012, 11:48:27 PM »

I get it as well. Doesnt seem to effect anything, but yup, everytime I pull up DCG it happens.


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Re: DCG for Dark Blue World - New Packs for DBW 171 & DCG 346/7
« Reply #275 on: April 29, 2012, 08:27:48 PM »

Ditto.  Same here.  Seems to show up after a while flying the same campaign.  Tried a reboot, doesn't help.


Deleted the DCG install, after backing up/moving the current campaign files, re-installed DCG and added the DBW mod files, moved the Campaign files back inside the new install of DCG, problem fixed.  Not sure what it is, but something within DCG itself is going bad, but it's not the campaign.
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