This is just a little glitch in DCG, not a bug as such as it doesn't stop anything working, it's just annoying.
Must be something within the DCG code itself as once it comes up it doesn't matter whether you move DCG back outside of DCG, it will still happen.
Tried all kinds of variations, edited the ini files, DCG directly inside IL2 with no sub-folder, etc; it will still happen, and apparently always come back eventually.
Still, it's harmless, just a P in the A, I'll have to ask Paul if he has any ideas but hunting a pig in the code like this is also a P in the A...
Why DCG should be referencing such low-level memory in the first place is also a good question, and it's not always the same block, but what the hell is it doing down there?
For now it's an unavoidable evil if the files are going to be replaced through jsgme, which isn't the problem itself, just the installation location. It's also required for installing through the exe, as everything has to be pointed at the IL2 directory, with 2 separate folders it could only be pointed at the drive, and then everyone would have to install IL2 to a "standard" folder aswell... so for now ignore it, or manually move the DCG files out of the jsgme folder, you can install the aces files permanently into the DGEN folder too, but that wasn't the idea... but it won't hurt.
Incidentally, some points on aces.
The additional Pacific aces are Lonestars work. These were originally included to go with the campaigns, but credit given where credit is due.
The BoB aces will work but need the start and end dates extending, lots of history to do there...
and a "fascinating" integer value error...
if anyone is getting errors in campaigns using Germany & LG2, it's the Herbert Ihlefeld entry in Aces.dcg. Delete and it works. Strangely enough this is the same entry which already worked before, and there is actually no (visible) error in this entry, not even in the hex code... but one of the spaces appears not to be a space... had this a couple of times now, once with "04 S" is not a valid integer value, which was the end of a date and beginning of Set, 19400804 Setxxxx, so again a bad space, but also again no error in the hex code... so this is something very weird. Question is whether this is only on my system or transfers to everyone else too? Could be a fragmented file? Makes it very difficult to trace of course, but if it's only me on my system then it's my problem, but if everyone is getting it...
Still, the memory error is as said just annoying, but I better ask Paul before Semor goes nuts, though it's really just an annoying glitch, ignore it as Tanda01 says, just an extra click...
Also saw that the 2 Do17 skin folders are missing... said it was time I took a break...