Sorce: en.wikipedia.orgP-47s were operated by several Allied air arms during World War II. The RAF received 240 razorback P-47Ds which they designated "Thunderbolt Mark I", and 590 bubbletop P-47D-25s, designated "Thunderbolt Mark IIs". With no need for another high-altitude fighter, the RAF adapted their Thunderbolts for ground attack, a task for which the type was well suited. Once the Thunderbolts were cleared for use in 1944, they were used against the Japanese in Burma by 16 RAF squadrons of the South East Asia Command from India. Operations were army support (operating as "cab ranks" to be called in when needed), attacks on enemy airfields and lines of communication, and escort sorties. The Thunderbolts were armed with three 500 lb (227 kg) bombs or, in some cases, British "60 pound" (27 kg) RP-3 rocket projectiles. Long range fuel tanks gave five hours of endurance. Thunderbolts remained in RAF service until October 1946; those squadrons not disbanded outright after the war re-equipped with British-built aircraft.
These aircraft are not armed with any rockets at this time. These aircraft are stock P-47s with external fuel tanks from P-51s and RAF bombs.
flying_spud - Requested aircraft
Friction - for pointing out details
Myself - classfiles
If I left anyone out, please speak up and I'll get you in the credits.
Tested (UP3 & 2.01) SAS Modacts 4.09 and 4.10.1
DOWNLOAD Thunderbolts Mk. I & IIIf you guys want to use different default skins for your plane, go here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,13.0.htmlThis is for those who
DO NOT have this P-51D Pack in their game.
DOWNLOAD US Weapons AAA UI1.2 from P-51D Pack