Well CirX,
Whether you want to admit it or not you WERE and ARE a leader.
The success of this site is a testament to that. In no way do I wish to minimize the contributions of so many very talented , hard working and cooperative others, but the fact remains that the burgeoning and ongoing success and progress of this site (and I would submit as well the longevity of the IL2 sim) is due in significant amount to your helmsmanship here at SAS.
SAS has welcomed in a mature and measured manner combat flight sim enthusiasts of all stripes, with varying abilities (including those that like me have nothing but opinions to offer) and all in a balanced ears and eyes open standing.
Further, SAS has led the IL2 community in regards to valuing different perspectives and the merits of mods and successful mature interaction between factions with fairly divergent interests and perspectives. I know that this has not been done always without ire and/or frustration, but to the credit of the admins and due to the clear and consistent directives which I believe you were the main architect of, any of these differences seldom made it to or lasted long enough on the boards to affect or deter the average member/reader.
That is not an insignificant achievement, and stands out to an old codger like me as probably the most important attribute here that differentiates SAS from other sites - and I mean no disrespect to any of the other sites that I frequent and those that I don't.
Furthermore I see this grounded attitude now stretching beyond SAS because of its example of success.
Thanks a lot, and don't drift too far into the shadows. I know the ship is in good hands, but it never hurts to have an old campaigner to consult from time to time.