this evening, I got as close to real night-fighting as I'm probably ever going to get.
I was using cy6's command and control, the team Daedalus bf-110 leak and cy6 and aheshouse happy valley map
anyway I caught the Lancaster on the radar after being directed, for the best part of 10 mins, towards a decoy.
As I approached I couldn't see the lancs so I restarted my approach, the diagram on the Lichtenstein radar posted by Melissa was very helpful here, the radar caught site of them to my right and I followed it until I could no longer see the blip.
than, as is night fighting, 3 of them just seem to materialize out of the darkness, just like ghosts.
I followed them for a bit slowly gaining altitude so I was level and then unload my double 20 into a lancs bottom.
that is my story, feel free to share your own.