there are not enough buttons for everything
16 buttons and 4 axis i still think its more than most sticks have.
The throttle also returns to 55% when I let go of the stick
Doing it wrong:
Some time ago i was flying on PS2 pad and you might try this layout was pretty comfortable for me at least.
Left stick - elevators and ailerons
Right stick - rudder (Aiming is much easier also "y axis" left unused to avoid accidental input)
left - wide view
up - normal view
right - zoom
down - ironisight (Shift+F1)
L1 - Weapon 1
L2 - Weapon 4
R1 - Weapon 2
R2 - weapon 3
[ ] - Flaps down
/\ - Flaps up
O - Throttle + (most of the time used kb but during battles fast taping get me from 0 to 100% in split of a second
X - Thorottle -
Select - brakes (With ruder on the right stick made taxiing, takeoffs and landings easier)
Start - airbrake
L3 - dont remember
R3 - dont remember
That was b4 i get myself a saitek cyborg
What didnt fit on the pad was left on keyboard and layout on keyboard was made with grouping in mind, and what i mean by this.
For example numpad is one square panel so it was used like this
nl / * -| - autopilot, manual gears control
7 8 9 +| - Jetison tank, Jetison weapon, Jetison attachment
4 5 6 n| - fire extinguisher, prop feather, wing fold
1 2 3 t |- wheel lock, chocks, hook
ins del | - open cockpit, raise seat
insert, home pgup - reticle, mirrors, smoke
delete, end pgdown - cockpit, nav, landing lights
Basically everything was divided into groups (Such a wankery when i think about it now
but still since it was divided by logic i didnt have anything to remember since i pretty much knew where to search for something because it was placed on the kb with some kind of pattern.)