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Author Topic: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?  (Read 7030 times)

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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2011, 12:17:59 PM »

Well op the problem is that you've only posted your opinion. Why not get some backing for your opinion in the form of facts and post a proper request?


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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2011, 12:27:31 PM »

Hes not asking for engines that can be pushed harder/faster, he wants to know if engine flameout/shutdowns are possible than simply just catching fire like they do now.
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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2011, 01:32:59 PM »

I agree with him. I also have no hard evidence, not the inclination to go look for some, but I also cannot recall ever reading of 262 engines catching fire from throttle mismanagement, flameouts, definitely, fires on the ground, yes.

That "flameout" could have been mistaken for "catch fire" by the orininal coders is very plausable, some of the original mistakes made in this game have even more ridiculous origins.

So, I cannot say for sure, but it would be good to get an opinion from someone who is a 262 history expert.


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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2011, 02:57:12 PM »

Two popular quotes are Erich Hartmann, he described his sole flight, the long safety instructions, and later the endless questioning of it, in the russian captivity on that sole ocassion.
Another one mentioning these severe Throttle movements was Hans Fay (Test-factory pilot) in his interogation after the first complete defection into Allied hands, on which basis the Allied Manual is based, both documents are recorded.
I remember Walter Schuck (StaKa JG7), Wolfgang Späte (GruKo JG7), Guido Mutke (JG/7), Franz Stiegler (JV44) and Mano Ziegler (Test-Pilot) also mentioning these too fast/harsh throttle movements led to ocassional fire.

From these persons Stieglers memories are very interesting, Historical accurancy on JV 44 "White 3":

Oblt. Franz Stigler
It was in early February 1945, when General Adolf Galland himself invited Stigler to join JV 44, the legendary "Squadron of Experts". Galland's only stipulation was to "bring a jet with him". Franz did just that. He actually took delivery of a brand-new Me 262 at the Leipheim Me 262 factory. The factory had been bombed earlier in the day and Franz was given permission to take the jet, rather than risking it being destroyed in another air raid.

This particular Me 262, coded "White 3", became his regular mount. This is unusual, as most JV 44 pilots did not had a regular aircraft, they usually flew what happened to be available. Franz relates that his "White 3" was considered a "hot" Me 262, a really good ship and he wouldn't allow anyone else to fly it. Only General Adolf Galland himself "pulled rank" and flew it on a few missions. It is interesting to note that over time "White 3" has somehow become associated with Galland. Stigler and Galland even joked about paintings showing Galland flying "White 3" - that Dolfo was actually flying "Franz's Me 262".

Unfortunately, "White 3" came to a sad end. Franz relates that a newly arrived Leutnant Pirchan persuaded Stigler to let him fly Stigler's “lucky White 3”. Soon after take-off Pirchhan crashed at Oberweissenfeld east of the München-Riem airfield, totally destroying the aircraft and was fatally wounded. He died a few hours later in a farmer’s field while being comforted by Stigler.

Me 262 characteristics were also factory made, poor ment it was not quality, Stiglers "3" was an exception amongst most Me 262.

Another thing worth mentioning and discussing would date back to as early as September 1944, RLM got aware of a significantly high number of Me 262 Accidents under non-combat situations. The largest number being located around the newly formed/merged Fighter Bomber KG(J)51 units based in Northern Germany, but other units where mentioned too.
Pilots suffered burnings and severe intoxications due to Jetfuels, further inspection had started, as they feared a loss of morale under their newly propagated Super weapon. RLM came to conclusion these accidents were fatal as the pilots clothing didn't fit the aircraft type's safety standard, Trials were held, a new durable heavy weight leather Combo was introduced, as early as in September 1944. Production of the Me 262 in full stage already started, the fire problem for the RLM was marked "Solved", still pilots would wore a mixed up equipment of lightweight, summer/winter, KG or Fighter gear, this leather combo remained rare, but can be seen on photographs depicting KG(J)54, JV44, EJG 2, after Sept. 1944, those I remember.
Ever wondered why Steinhoff only suffered burnings in unprotected areas, he was one of the lucky guys to have worn this combo.

What could be the cause, bad training situation, they were known to have horrid situations while on conversion and later in Training.
Most of the Training Flight-issues where held on A-1a Fighters, due to lack of Trainers.
Even early Jabo Groundattack Training of EKdo KG(J)51 was lacking enough A-2a types, converted Fighters were equipped to replace the gap, and even used in combat, until the end.

Hes not asking for engines that can be pushed harder/faster, he wants to know if engine flameout/shutdowns are possible than simply just catching fire like they do now.

But not on every ocassion, maybe a random, lucky thing, what you say, your Jumo is on Fire and you can cut off every fire? Not really, they were horrid and should stay, there must be another solution. Fire caused by wrong handling, should do Bumm.

Small Schrappnels or lil damage is sth. we should think about. What causes this? Über AI, worth thinking about.
But another thing is simply atm. we don't have enough AI Mods to test, most of my Losses are due to AI Snipers, Überbehaviour, and I think if we change the now 262 we than get über Me 262, like the Komet and it's Hulk DM, and sth. I would say definitely no, if it's made by Oleg, OK! let it be, but for humans it's perfect, AI isn't perfect for human.

I can handle my Me 262, except under AI pressure fire. Failures are now at an acceptable level, if we compare to stock 262.
What nerves me is AI, I think that's the key to a lot of Probs we're facing.

Using UP3RC2/DBW, I managed to do my first Schuck-like pass, 4 heavies in one pass. In full simulation, not Barbie IL-2.
In stock or earlier Modpacks, I was lucky to down 1, but this was not the fact in 99% of the missions.

I think this shows how Anto and others pushed the Me 262 here to an accurate level.

Thanks for the patience
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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2011, 03:20:00 PM »

I agree with him. I also have no hard evidence, not the inclination to go look for some, but I also cannot recall ever reading of 262 engines catching fire from throttle mismanagement, flameouts, definitely, fires on the ground, yes.
Well, maybe the luftwaffe pilots were well trained to don't catch fire on the engine. :)
This happened with me only one time on the ground, after that, I learned how to don't do it again.
But if I stay a long time without fly a 262, there is a good chance of that happens again.
On the air, another two or three times it happened to me, but I managed to stop the fire but the engine was damaged.
That engine was almost a beta, in the first series production jet.
We can't compare it with Sabres or Migs.
And it is not so difficult to avoid that.

I hope you've understood what I'm trying to say in English. :P



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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2011, 03:44:17 PM »

Two popular quotes are ... [snip]

Were this during engine startup? Were they on the ground?

Fire is bad when it burns you. No arguments there. It hurts and its horrible.

I still take issue with how this game models it vs many stories to the contrary.

To your comment about randomness: I don't like randomness. I'll admit that. Random gun jams for the sake of it? Pass. Random failure just because? Pass. Randomly modeled no-reason-no-cause engine fires that are death sentences? Pass.

That's not realistic (there is always a cause! Nothing happens without a trigger!) nor is it good gameplay. To randomly punish people in a game for no reason is a good way to prevent them from playing that game.

There was no gas in the wings. There was no gas storage in the engine. The gas pumps could be shut off to an engine. The engine could be shut down. There is nothing to blow up. When the engines had compressor issues they would fail structurally, blow up, maybe blow off the wing, but I've never yet heard of a fire that wouldn't go out and then blew the gas tanks in the plane for no reason.

There is no logical reason for the way Ubisoft handled fire behavior on these jets. Even if they kept the same probability of fire, the behavior of said fire is still excessively punitive and not realistic.

Your quotes were very interesting and helpful, but I'll reserve judgement based on what I already know from other sources and until the quotes are put into better context.


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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2011, 08:37:26 AM »


Look at page 24, there is an internal tank for starting fuel, which is different to regular running fuel, if an engine flamed out on the ground and wasn't immediately shut down, as it would have been, then surely this would be a source of further ignition?

Im just playing devils advocate here and I dont think that it should be a death sentence every time, just proposing that it isnt that unlikely

An yes I was wrong about the location of the tanks, they are for and aft of the cockpit and there are four of them.


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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2011, 08:58:28 AM »

Mythbusters also debunked the idea of exploding gasoline tanks. So, there's that against Ubi's instant-boom modeling.


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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2011, 09:35:22 AM »

I hardly think shooting bullets at a gas tank and lighting a fire under one full of vapour is similar


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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2011, 10:08:12 AM »

Murray, you're right about the fuel pumps, but as I remember they just sat between the tanks, regulating the fuel in the tanks.
Between throttle and engine was no system that could have reduced flow of too many fuel. If you take a look at the fuel pipes you see the last thing that is attached to them, the Throttle system.
What happens if there was no backup system and fuel just flowed immediatly, as the throttle system , to my knowledge caused flow of fuel regarding Throttle movement? I'm no expert, what happens in the hot chambers if someone gives too fast or too slow movements into such an unbacked system, means to much fuel, or simply cuts off into the chambers? In-Flight, when the engine is hot. At least this is what I was told in Laatzen/Hannover, but can't understand, due to lack of knowledge/technical. I'm just an artist, it's no excuse that I'm a noob in physics an chemistry.
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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2011, 10:36:25 AM »

Mythbusters didn't have API and tracers bullets to make a ignition.
Everybody knows that ME 262 only can takeoff from a concrete runway, because the engine burns the asphalt.
So, imagine what could happen with the airplane.
This is not so difficult to avoid, and a lot of pilots died because of it.
I read on some place, I don't remember where by now, that after take off is better to don't touch on the throttle until landing procedures or, if you do, do it slowly. :)

Another thing...
Maybe the explosion is not related to the airplane.
Maybe it is related to the IL-2 engine's limitations, because if you touch a building when taxiing slowly on the ground, there is a good chance of you simply explode.
It's not realistic but is as IL-2 is. ::)



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Re: Is there a 262 engine flame mod?
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2011, 10:44:42 AM »

I'm not saying gas itself isn't flamable, but closing a throttle cuts off the gas. There are other things that could be done no doubt, but the fuel wouldn't just continue to feed after the engine is shut down. I'm hypothesizing now, but say you get a flame-out as you suggest, with gas still feeding into a hot combustion chamber. Gas itself has a cooling effect on air (also in piston engines you find this), and assuming the right ratio of air to gas were created (when the air is no longer coming in as it should?) you could get repeated bursts out the back of the engine as portions of the fuel ignite and others do not. I've seen some anecdotal footage of old jet engines doing something like that. Kind of like faltering pops and backfires in a car engine is how I would describe it. Heat and gas alone doesn't make explosion.

Mac: There is a magic ratio in which gas is combustible. It must fall within exact specifications or nothing happens. Even then it's more of a "whoosh" than a "BOOM" (also covered by Mythbusters, interestingly enough). Shooting a car's gas tank full of gas won't explode it. Setting a truck's gas tank half-filled with gas on fire won't explode it. It will simply burn the vapors from the gas leaking out. It also won't make flame trails too easily, and flames don't shoot along pathways of spilled gas like in movies. The gas isn't burning. It's just the vapor/oxygen mix.

My analogy (my own words) would be like a candle. You light a candle and it's not going to explode instantly. It only burns the wax fuel immediately near the flame. Ubisoft put a stick of dynamite in place of a candle, and it all goes at once.

Look at the B-17 we lost recently. It set down safely, the fire was small and confined to a single engine. The crew had time to get out, unpack their things and carefully unload posessions from the plane. The only reason it spread was because firefighters couldn't get in there for 45+ minutes. At no time did this fully-laden B-17 with huuuuuge gas tanks in the wings explode.

Sandobr, They did another test with incendiary bullets and normal bullets, trying to shoot propane tanks and such and set them on fire. They wouldn't set on fire. Even multiple bullets. They had to take a minigun firing mostly incendiary bullets 1000 rounds per minute and hose a propane tank before they got the hollywood explosion from it.

Also: Name ONE pilot that died from engine flames (in flight) caused by throttle movement. I don't think you can. There's no evidence so far that it happened that way.
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