Most of this issues can be solved with the "ATI Tray Tools", from Ray Adams. You can download it from
Guru 3D. Some features:
- You can make profiles automatically applied when the application is launched. (applies per window, not per system).
- Support for overclocking and ATI overdrive (different values can be ajusted in different application profiles).
- Full control for fan RPMs, based on GPU temperature.
- Powerful OSD showing frames per second, frequencies (GPU & MEM), CPU and GPU load percentaje, temperatures, etc (very configurable)
- FPS counter and screenshots for all applications (2D & 3D).
- Access to hidden parameters that cannot be controlled from Catalyst Control Panel.
- Some optimizations for filtering, and other tweaks for advanced users.
In comparison, this little aplication is like merge in one the Fraps, RivaTunner and Nhancer tools for Nvidia. Since I discovered this tool, I've never installed the Catalyst Panel, just only the driver.
For the driver issues, follow the rule... if it's working do not touch!
It's annoying, but the driver development from ATI it's getting worse and worse in every new release, specially for older cards and aplications like IL-2.
The best you can do is install the driver that came with your card, because as Storebror said, new drivers are made only with lastest cards in mind. I'm quite happy using a HD 5850, but I remain with 10.9 driver version, and works like a charm with all games and applications I have installed. But this version has some issues with IL-2, with ATI, the newer is the driver, the badder is the OpenGL support...
So here you have the solution I've found: take from an older driver the atioglxx.dll file and put in your IL-2 folder. In that way you have an older driver version for IL, and a newer for everything else. The 9.10 version is working perfectly for me in Windows 7, runs smoother and with better performance with higher graphics settings and the best image quality.
If you want to try, I can upload somewhere the file...