If the top speed of the mustang is 430, i still dont quite understand why it cannot outclimb the ME-109. An i thought, according to WW2 pilots, that the P-51 was THE fighter of WW2... or am i wrong?
Mate, climbing ability depends only in
power excess and nothing more, not top speed, not wing load or lift capacity, any real pilot around here can tell you that. Talking about power excess 109 was the king during all the war, only being reached for a while in first 43's G-6, rest of 109 was always the best climber of its time.
About if P-51 was THE fighter, as you say, that depends on who write the history
. Always history is written by winners, so they are the best because they win, but OneVsOne (and not outnumbering enemy by 30:1) with a good pilot in every aircraft 109 has no disavantage against P-51, in fact it was better in some aspects. P-51 had its better at really high altitude (>7k, 8k, 9k m...), 109 was better in lower altitudes (<7k m) but it wasn't bad at high altitude like radial engined 190. AND, you must take in count that's talking of G series, but late G series and K model were far beter aircraft than standard P-51D, only there was very few amounts of them to fight.
I think it was Piet who posted a conversation he had with a veteran luftwaffe pilot he met time ago, and he clearly says their aircrafts wasn't bad at all, only they were outnumbered.