Can I also ask for Something?
Whats the advantage of projected reticles to iron reticles before Gyro Gunsights where Invented
And why have all projections a yellow colour and no green, blue etc???
I can also answer this. Projected reticles are always superior, because it makes aiming that much easier. That is why even infantry weapons to-day often use red dot sites (which is also a type of reflector gunsight). Not only does not make it faster to aim, but it also does not obscure the target .
The reason for the colour: The colour of the brightest bulbs at that time was yellow. "White light" is a relatively modern invention. Yellow also displays well against the outside But other colours may work better, depending on the circumstance. Todays huds have multiple colours, but yellow still works great. WW2 reticles were a product of the bulbs though,and were predominantly yellow that tinged towards the red spectrum.
The old reflection sites from WW2 usualy had a dimming setting, that adjusted the brightness of the glow, and german ones had an additional shaded glass for very bright environments.
The rumour that german reticles were blue is utter BS, and I know this because I was "there" when the rumour started. I was involved at that time with research for the museum, and specifically into Revi's. At that stage there were absolutely NO pictures on the web or easily available of a working Revi.
But one day, there was a picture. And it was posted by members of the finnish virtual pilots association (I think that is the name of them), of a visit to a museum where they were allowed to handle a Revi12. And the picture shows a beautifull Blue Reticle. I still have that photo somewhere.
This was the reason that IL2 first came out with blue reticles, and why so many people think there were blue reticles in german planes.
The truth is, that the Revi12 in the museum those guys visited, did not have a working bulb in, nor a suitable powesource. So one of the guys opened the bottom up, and shone into it his little LED flashlight that one gets on keychains. And the result was, a blue LED powered reticle.
The truth came out later as more guys who actualy HAD Revi's and proper powersources got on the net, and more pictures were shared. And the blue reticles dissapeared very quietly from all games.
But it is pretty abvious though, isnt it: If you had to make a reticle for a pilot who is flying around up there in that enormous expanse of blue sky, what is the WORST colour you could make the reticle?